Poulin .gerolow 149 and though hedyed yet becaufe he is thegreat"ftepheard of the cheep he is raifed again. The great Shepheard dies,the little Ihep- heards muff not think much of it , if they be called todie. We muff be contented, it be exemplified in us ifoccafion ferve ; for, if God fpared not the great Shepheard, what have the little thep- herds to plead for themfelves they fliould be fpared ? If the cafe fall out, while I labour to ferve the Church as I can, Iconic to fuffer for the Church; in the end I do rejoyce, and I will rejoyce. And truly we had need to pray for fuch a fpiris as this : for,ifthis was in the great fhepherd of the (beep, it will very well become the little flaepherds. But againft the fear of death, here's the com- fort. Thegreat fhepherdof the cheep dyes, yet is railed from the dead ; fo kali the little Ones ; not one Member of the Flock, death can alwaies triumph over him. In this reCpth, Chrift will have all his members to be railed, in that he got the viecoryover death, fcr (Atiltarofe as the Fidi Fruits, and afcended into Hea- ven as a fore runner. Though we may have denial as to the ad- vancing of Chriffs (-aryl ce, &c. Yet the fit efurreecionof the dead, is, that we muff take into our thoughts, and 'cis our foltd comfort, God will one day bring all the (beep together in one fold, and David (hall be their King, and have the Ruling and ordering of them to all Eternity. There is a R.efiirreecion to little thepherds; whenwe coma to lay down our natural lives, we can look for no other recompense for it but our Refurreetion, and the thoughts ofit nnift be our comfort. And oh i how doth this incourage us to come unto God, though finite be heavy upon ua 3 Remember, there is a God of peace, that takes to himfelf this name for this very end, that finners may know, for their incouragement, that Reconciliation is wrought out between God and them througls icing Chrifi 3 and if they will but come. and take hold of the blond of the everlafting covenant, Chrift hath Paid they (hall have all the blellings and benefits promifed in the covenant of Gram., and that the blond of Chrifl can procure for them; they than have forgiven& of fins; and falvationoffoul. Therefore, when we confider Chrift hath dyed to have a flock, and for laving of the Pock,and to make himfelf the God of peace through his blonds this fhould comfort us. It remains, we come to confider of the matter of the prayer : this is very full. Make you perfea in every good workto do his will, working inyou that which is well pleafing in his fight, Sec. Hera we are to obferve two things= Firft, The 'water of the Apoftle's defire. Secondly, The martire of it. The ?natter of his defire K k if,