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21.0 'Dotior Seiirlan. .4) that: the Hebrews may be made perfeel in every good work-to 4 Ike- ofGod,' im c}. =that they May be fully and t h roughly rege:- nerate; fan6tified throughout-both in foul and body, and that they may be furnifhed with all Graces, and inab led for every du- ty. Take notice of every one of the expreffions ; Firft, Make you perfca..o'Tis..thr duty of Chriflians to perfeft every good work; to cleanfe themfelves from'all the impurity of flefh and fpi- rit, and to perk& .holinefs in the fear of the Lord, (2 Cor. 7.1.) Secondly, In every good work, in matters ofPiety,RighteouPteffe, Clearity, Sobriety; for within thefe hcads,moft of thefe things may be comprehended that belong toChriftians, theywill go a very great way to make a perfe&Chriftian, but that Chriftian cannot be. perfea, that is not fan&ified in every oneof thcfe.Thirdly, To do his will; .shat you may be ready, chearfully willing to doe his will onall occafiona. But, how is it poffible-flefh and blond' fhould attaine to this ? that they fhould be pea fe,-7 to every good work? Why, faith the A- polite workingin I ON that .which is well ?leafing in hisfight,tbrough 7eftis%Cbriii, Working in your You fee thereby, All our works de- pendon God's, and 'tiain vain for us to build on any Foundati- on but this ; ,,for 'cis God that worketh in you, both to will, and to do of his good pleafure, mac. Co1.2.12. through the Faithofthe operationof God, working inyou, or doing in you, that which is well- pleafino in his, fight. Our work is to depend on Gods work; our outward working, depends on Goth inward working. Again, That which is acceptable in Gods fight, but 'tis \ onely through jefus Chriff, Good, works thernfelves, though never fo good, agreeable to the Lawand gofpelo yet if God look not on our perfons and works through Chrift they will not ferve the turn; ye cannot be accepted ; working in you, that, which is well-pleafing in his fight, through lefus ,Gbre'f. Will God be pleated with no- thing, but onely far Chrift Jails' fake ? and if it doe not plcale Chrift, will it not pleafe God ? 'Tis truly, plainly, verily, fo.- That which God cannot accept of through Chrift,he cloth not ac, cept ofat all ; but now things are fo ordered, that God bath put 411 things into Cl rifts hands. Chrift jean bath the ordering of the Warfhip andGovernment of theChurch, he bath the making of all the Articles of the Chriftians Creed.; a chriftian is bound to believenothing, but what Chrift teaches, as neceffary to Salva- tion : fo that inChrift we are compleat,ifwe believe,as he teach-, es us to believe; and if we worthip God, as-he teacheth us to wor- fhip,Cod ; and have fach order andgovernment concerning his Loofa