Farewell-Sermon. 2 5 I houre ; and walk fo, as we defire in all things to pleafeour Lord and Mailer, and have him beforeour eyes, then are we returned unto Chrift, the Shepherd and Bifhop ofour Souls. But if we prefent God with any kind ofcreed Model of Worfhip,orgovern- ment, that hath not Chaift's Image ,and Stamp upon it, s',4od will fay as Chi ift,concerning the Money; bvhoje Image or Superfcripti- on cloth it bear ? If we can fay, Clarets ; the wa y of Worthip, we have learn'd from Chrifie that order and government in the Church, we have learn'd from Chrill, then the Father and Smile will own it. If it have Man's fuperfcription on it, not God's, or Chrifie, I cannot tell hOwt we fhould prefunae it canbe accrptahle toGod, through Chrift ; for God hath fo confin'd hirnfele, he will not be pleafed, but through Chrift and thaa all Matters of Religion in the New Teitament, fhould be ordered according to Cbriet's mind ; as the Old, according to Mofes. neceffary, we enquire after Chrifts mind, in what we doe; if we can doe any thing and in doing it,are lure it will beacceptable toGod,through Chrift, well and good ; otherwife not. This is the Apoftles pray- er, That God would make themperfell in every work to do his will, working in them that which is well-pleafing in his fight, through Iefus Chriff. The Doxology, Whether we refer it toGod, or Chrift, 'cis all one ; we have no body to honour and glorifie in the Church but God, through Chrift : we cannot tell how to divide thole that are fo nearly united. Therefore when we &odic God, we glorifie Chrift. And this we mull oblerve, God hatch ordered all mans concernments fo, that we have nothing to plead for our Souls Cal nation, but Gods grace ; the Rule is his Word, his gofpel tharhe bath made known tous : and therefore,Let tke wordof God dwell inyon richly in all wijdome, There is a great deal of Do, in God's Church, about This and That ; he that muff, determine the bu- finds, isUrine and there are but two ways; the determining of things for the prefent, and for the time to come:; hereafter, by que- , (liming the matter offaa ; for the prefent, by making of,lour Rule. When the queflion comes, concerning the matter of faCt, there he receives our Rule ; What bath Chrift faid ? how hathChrift pro- vided for things in this nature It's plainly fo, and fo, but in du- bious Matter, and culloms, and the like, I kiohw not how toan- ewer them; when we ceme to anfwer Chrift, when we ftiall.put the gheflion : Did you not know whom you was bound to fear? Did I not fpeak nothing at all in the cafe, neither generally,uor parti- cularly ? could you not by any means come to un ierftand my K k z mind ?