Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

2-5,2 iiYoUor Seatnatist mind ? 1 doubt we Fitall.not be able toanfwer this. gut we malt fay, we found a-certain fiats in the Word ; but haying Lasses and etattotnes among our felves, thereinwere at a fiend. Why (faith Chrift) was your Laws and Cullom above, or belowmy Word? Muft your.Law be ruled by my Word, or my word by your Do- &rine ? Did not all Chriftians hold out this, that the Word of Chrift was above all Authority in the matters of Chris ?- Shall the membersof the body becomegreater then the Head ? Therefore, you could not be ignorant in this cafe ; your own profeiling me to be to great, in all my Nature: and Offices : but when youcome to prattife, then you will deny me. Shall we be able toanfwer this ? We mutt confider of this, that ifwe would pleafe God, it muff be through Ghritt ; and then we mull carry our felvcsy as dire&ed by Chrift Jefus inhis Word . and nothing can take us of that Principle, nopretence whatfoever; for Chriftian Religion is fuck athingin the nature:and fubfiance of it, as Jefus Chrift is the Au- thor of, Thereforey ifChrift be the Author, all that belongs to Chriflian Religion, as to it's fubflance,we fhould account nothing of moment in Religion, but onely that which we can afcribe to Chrifi, as the Author of it. The care of the Church is in the hand of Chrift, whatfoever providences are let in on theChurch, to esercife or try theChurch, all muff be bornpatiently ; but a- very Member muff worthiphim; God hada made Jefus Chrift fhepherd,ike. In what he finds fault, we mull not jultifie what he commands, we' mutt approve ; valet he calls to be done, we muff prattife : what is not his, we muff not own as his. Much may be drawn from this, both for inftruttion and confolation, that Chrifi is thegreat fivephord ; Though he dye in his Members, he (hall rife in his Members I may fay though he dye in his Mini- fiers he (hall rife in his Mintifers, ifa .59 21, As for me, this is my Covenant with them, faith the Lord : tnyfpirit that is upon thet,ated my words which Thieve put in thy ?sleuth, Mall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy feed, nor out of the mouth of thy feeds feed, faith tht-Lord, from henceforth and forever. This is a part ofthe covenant, that'the Wordand Spirit of Chrift, (hall be continued among the Members, throughout 'all Ages: God will provide,his children (hall not live without afpirit , neither With- out his Word: God bath engaged himfelf for both:for,the one,as well as for the other ; that' there (half be a fuperaddition, and perpetuatingof them: and herein wemuff dependopon the faith- halt&of Thegreatfhepbersl if the /hello 14r-