253 Tikttlitti+31,6**4420412 *SWVP, Silistititift60016* Mr. Vennings Prayer sit °laves before Sermon. F I LordGod, thouart thefountainof life: yea thougi- a vefi to all life. It is neceffity draws us unto thee, and we acknowledge it is avery great favour that thou wilt admit' us to come into thy;prefince. Indeed thefervicer we do, arcnot w9rthy thy acceptance 5 thou gettefi nothing by them but thegainof godlineffe is to ourfelves 5 but woeunto us, what a loft, andwhat a curfewill it be to us to have a form of Godlinefs, andyet be ungodly p. oh Lord, how fimuld this indear thee and thy Word, and thy fervice that thou wouldfi have us dogood for our own fakes ! thou turneft our obedience into priviledges ; thou haft made the means ofour happineff apart ofits ifthere wereno other Glory but to glorifle thee,o what a glory would it be to befound doing thy will ! there is a fzreetneft to befoundin it, more then in the honey or the honey.comb. Itis a great happinefi to becomfortable to God ; to be lo- ving to God, to be lik,,e to God, is the greate eff happin we can be capable of Ifwe were now in Heaven, we could not have other happinefr but this ina greater decree. OhLord, howfhouldourfouls be drawnforth to acknow- ledge thee I maywe not cry out in admiration,Lord[what it man! anda along Melonsofmen, what are we that thou art fomindful ofus ! thou mightft have diffrlayed thy word to Many thoorands in the world,andwe left ignorant: but bleffed be thy name, thou art pleafed to admit even 1ff all thereunto. oh let it not be afinal! thing to sio, feeing we may not live toferve God; oh Lord ! in Chrifi it will be worth our while to live, and in him 'twill be worth our while to dye 5 oh that we may mind the endofliving, and the endofdying, that whether we live or dye, we may be the Lords. Indeedit were no; worthour while to liveavdfpendfo moth time