Mr. Vowing, Prayer before Sermon. er efgedlineff 5 andpour in wine andOyl into thcwortneileof thewounded infpirit 5 and let the adminifirationoftheGof. pel, be in the densonfirationofthejPirit,that is the truth is de. livered to ur, we may be delivered to the truth, that while we touch the hemof thy garment, vertue may come outfrom thee; thou hafifaid that mercypleafeth thee,we arefure it willplea- fire ass; oh let us not lofe ourtime, but do thou teach us toprofit andfispply cur wantsfor the fake ofour dear Lord, to whom with thee & thefpiritgive moregloryfrem noroltonto Eternity. Si9*1 S2 Si42SiSit `?5 2 Mr.VENNING his Farwell Sermon. MMINMM ...mmilyre Heb I 00 verf.23. Let us bold fall theprofeffion of our faith, without wavering (for he it faithful! that promifeel.) Hat Chriflians are greatly concerned,not onely to believe and to make profeffion of their belicf,but tohold fait their Faith, and the profelon of it, is that which thave already proved untoyou ; the feveral Obligations that lie upon Cbrillians hereunto, have been in one or two Sermons handled among you: the great Obligation here annexed is, (for he isfaithful! that hats promifed.) Fromwhence, and from other places of Scripture, I have deduced feverall Arguments, and propounded them unto you ; the lall of themwas this, None can proatife us better then God can; non can threaten us worfe then God can,and therefore it concerns us to hold fail. If any body cando snore for you,or a- gainfl you then God can, leave God , and cleave to that perfon But feting that is impoffible,let it beas impoffible for you to leave God. Can any body prornife you better then Heaven ? and that God bath promifed to them that do believe, Can any threaten you with worfe then Her? and that God hath threatned to them that do not believe. I fliall nowproceed, to much the remaining Arguments that are yet behind, and give you a few helps, with which I than conclude this Difcourfe at this time; I pray God I may not fay pertebin too. There are (email Arguments to be drawn. Firf}from the Suijeti conthned,Vs. Secondly