Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Fdriwell sermon: 351 Secondly, from the Objell, theprofeffiot of our Faith. And, Thirelly,from the 411,with the kialifications, Hold fas7 without Wavering. Firft,from the SubjeU concerned,Vs, (Let [us] hold faii, what- ever others'do; if they let go Faith, and God, and Heaven, and fouls and AU, yet let us hold fajt.Where ever the ApoliCe fpeaks,of,or to believers, there is a very great Emphatis in theword We or Vs ; as in the-firft of Tim.6.S. faith he, Having food and rayment,let us be content. Indeed, he might have faid,Let every mare be content ; but the emphafis lies upon the us. -If no body elle will be content, yet let us; for a Chriflian lies under moreobligations,toall Man- ner of -vercue,then any other man doth. if nature will not be con- tent with little, yet let grace ; Let [usj be content. So liere,let us hold fall our profeffion : it-may be others will let it go, I, but let us hold it fali ; let us among whom,let us upon.whomlet us in whom fuch mighty things have been done by God ,let us hold fiat, or elle it will be an intollerable upbraid, and condemnation to us. That it will be both, fee but twoTexts of Scripture. The firft is in the ith of Mattherp, verf.2o,2 I. Thembegan he (that is,thrill) to up- braid the Cities, wherein moji of his mighty' works were done,becaufe they repented not. VVoe unto thee Corazin, woe unto thee Bechfaida, for if the mighty works that were done in you , bad been done in Tyre and Sidon,they would have repotted long ago in fackcloth and affies : but I fay unto you, it (hall be snore tollerable for Tyre and Si- don at the day of lager/rent them for you. And thou Capernaum, which art exalted unto Heaven, hilt be brought down unto Hell: for if the mighty works which have born done in thee had been done in Scdorne,it would ,have remained untill this day. But Ifay umtoyou that it fliall be mere tolerable for the Land of Soclome at the day of judgement,then for thee. Pray do but mark-what an upbraid there is, and upon what ground; beeaufe mightier works had been done among thefe then among others! Now it teems to be a little exeuie- able, that they where t title mighty works had been done, did not repent ; and thereore their punifliment (hall be the more tollera- ble : but it will be more inexcufable for them, among whom leffe mighty wt.); k been done. If they doe not comply with the defign ofGod, their condition will be far more intolerable-: they that havi been lifted up to Heaven as it were,that have as it were Peen Chrift crucified before their eyes,for them to Apoltatize,aied turn away from Christ ? of bow much forer judgement pall they be thought worthy ? certainly, 'thofe very perfons, that have great and mighty works done among them, and upon them too,- great conviaions and ftrong refolutions, and yet they (hall politatree : L 1 oh!