Faret),C11-SerVitrn: 9 Now beloved, confider' how many abide thug to this day bi "Darkners : Dead infin, and Children of Wrath., when you are, or p:tcend to be, tranflated out of this darknefe , into this marvel:a:41th light; will not you Bold fail ? you that were dead, as well as o- thers, and nowyou live ; is this your requital to Goi, that you will now let ii. go ? O ! I befecch you, have a cire of that. Secondly, let us confider, what we are by Faith ; and that will be another Obligation upon ut. We were not fo bad before Faith; knit we are better by Faith. We are not in fo miferable before be- ving, but we are nor in. fo miferable cafe when we doe believe. Why; what are we ? We are alive, and Children of Light, and Childhen of God. We are alive : You hath he quickned, faith he, or made alive; and; My Some that was deed is alive. Now, what is the work of the Living ? it is to praife God, The Living, and the Living, they (hall praife thee as'I do this day. Now if this be the workof the Living, then confider, if we hold not fail our Faith ; if we apo- - itatize, we are fo far fromdoing the work ofthe Living, that is of pi-ailing God, that:wedo all the ditbonour we can to God ; we do the work of dead men : Tea, we are twice deo -c We are Children of the Light : Te were in darknefs, but now are light in-t-be Lord. Now it is very obfervable, what the Apottle fpeaks concerning the Childrenof darknefs, and the childrenof the light, z Thef.5.5. You believers, faith he. are all the Children of light, and Children of the day, 'we are not of the night, nor of da-k- neffei and what followes, therefore let not us fleep, as do others : but let us wetch and be fober : why ? for they that (bep,fleep in tte night ; and they that be drunkbe drunk in the night ; if any !lag- g,er, that is the work of the night, this is not the work of the day : Now every Apofiate that wavers, he is .like a min that is drunk, fo that he a&s clean contrary to theChildr0 of the day. Stith he, They that are drunk, are drunkin the night ; but, faith he, Let us watch and be fober, and let us who are of the day, put on the .real' plate of Faith, and for a Helmet, the hope offalvation. We are by believing, the Children ofGod, Gal 3.26. Forye are all the Children'of God by .Faith inChrift 7efus . now, Beloveci,are we weary of co honourable a Title, as being the Children. ofGod why, we are the Children of God ly faith in Chrift 7efus. Will a- ny body part with fo great a Title as this ? why, if we are weary of b fogGods Children, who can we be ? none but the Devils ? and had we rather be the Divels Children then Gods : there ace but thefe two, either youmull be Children of God., or the Divels Children now you are the Children of God by faith in Chriii I, 1 2