260 Mr: Venning : oh therefore; let us hold fait theprofeffien of our Faith, rat ing by faith we are the children of God: ib Thirdly, Let us confider, what we (ball be at the end of Faith:: why, we (hall belayed, e Pet.e.4.5, and -9 verfes compared,ke bath begotten us to an inheritance incorruptible And undefiled, thatfades not away, referved in Heaven foryou, who are kept by the power of God through faith unto falvation, ready to be revealed in the lift times ; and in the 9th. verfe, faith he,receiving theend ofyour faith, even the falvation ofyour fouls ; fo that, it feems,to be weary of be- lieving is to be weary of being laved: not to hold fall Faith,is not tohold fait falvation : for faith he,yeu are faved through Faith,and the end ofyour faith is the falvation ofyour fouls. Can yoti be con- tented to bedamned ? Can you have patience to think of going to Hell ? Now, put all thefe together, and will not you hold fait ? you that before faith were but darknefs, were but dead, were but children ofwrath, who by Faith are made children of light, are made alive, and the children ofGod and who at the end of Faith, (hall receive the falvation ofyour fouls:and Ilia not we hold fail? (hall we leave this Faith ? but then fec,ondly, A 2d. Argument in the Text ihall bedrawn from theobjell,anti that is two-foid;there is a faitb,and the prole en of this faith,that is tobe held faff,and thereare Arguments from both.e. Faith,Fiold 'IA faith : why are we fo greatly concerned, and fo hugely obliged to hold fall Faith? I will give you this one Reafon for it) it-is the moil ho'y faith, there are many things maybe called Faith, that may not be called moil holy faith : there are many faiths that are at leaft called holy : Turkifh Faitk,is by them called holy faith:the Romilb faith, is by them called holy faith : I, but this is the molt holy faith,there is an exprellion that Jude hatleto commend Faith to us, in the 20 ver. of his Epifile, But ye beloved, building upyour Pelves on your molt holy faith, etc. Let other 'pretenders be as holy as they can, they can never rife to the holinefs of this,this is the molt holy faith, it is holy in fo high a degree as to be beyound compare; tbut now,what is it that may denominate this faith to be the moil holy faith ? why, it: hath for its Author themot} holy God, it is the gift ofGod,and the work of God,if we take it for the XI offaith; and the dairine of God, if we take it for the dottrine of Faith. There are as the Apofile faith , gods many, but we know but one molt holy God : there are that will be called your holinefs in the world, but this is the molt holy God,a God that ie glorious in holi- nefs, yea, whole glory it is to be holy. There is nothing (lamps glory On any fubje0 like holinefs : what is the difference between the Angels inHeaven, and the Angels in Hell, but Winds? that is their,