hie Farweu sermon. their glory, the holyAngels ; and that is their rhame,the finftil An- gels, and what was it that made Canaan a better Land than ano- ther, was it not the banters? it was the Hely Land: what is it that made the Temple a bettor place then another? was it not, becat, it was the holy rempie ? yea, it is the glory of all the Attributes of God,that they ate holy.klis juflice could look like reverity,but that it is holy; his power would look like Tyranny were it not ho/y, his Love would look like fondnefs, were it not holy, his pawner would- look like a toleration of fin, were it not holy ; therefore it is laid, the Lord Godglorious in Wheel's. Now this moil holy God is the Author of this Faith, and fo it is a moll holy Faith ; it being the word of the moll holy God ; and will you leave, and not boldfafi this moft holy Faith. But then befides, It may be laid to be moil holy faith in this fcnfe too, that it is it's nature when ever it comes to make the fubjeti in whom it is, tote holy, Saith the Aponte, you bath God ch.- fenIto wit by Faith, to be a peculiar people, a holy Nation, Aa.15.9. it is laid, He bath purifyed their hearts by faith, and be will give them an inheritance among chew that are fantiified by faith. It may be called the molt holy Faith,in thefe two refpe&s. Fiat, Confidering the operation and effeets it hath upon the hearts and lives of them in whom it is : it make: these a holy peo- ple, beyond all the people in the world,and then upon this account too, as to the.ultimate effeels of it, that it admits us into the moil holy places. You know, the billy of holies in the Temple, was a Type of Heaven, and Jefus Chrift is Paid to enter into the Holy of Holies, that is, into b taven. Now thisdoth admit us into the moft holy place, where that molt holy God is ; faith the Apoffle, basing there- fore boldnefs to enter into the bolieji, by the blond of lefus : Alas, in the time of old, they could go but into the outward court, but now, faith he, We have all this boldnege., to enter into tbe molt holy place by the blood of Jefus, Shall we leave fuch a Faith as this ? fhall we not hold fait thc molt holy faith, that is from the ntoft holy God, that makes the moil holy people, and that admits us into the mof: holy place ? where doe we find fuch another Faith as this is ? if you leave this Faith that is fo good in it felfe, a Faith that doth fo much good to us ; and, which is better, that makes us fo good for it is much better to be made good, than to have good done unto us ; and, beloved, what will it availe ris, if God should do us good all our dayes, if we be not made good ? If we fhould have thegood of health, and wealth,and long life : and yet not be made good all this while, it avails us not : now this is, the nature ofFaith, it is good in it felf,it cloth good to ui,and it makes us