Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

V =sump us good: therelOrc, beloveci,let us not lay it aficlesisntil we can find a better ; and that we (hall never do, unlefswe can find any thing more holy than God. 4Blit Secondly, The fecond Branch of the ObjeCl, is the Peofeifi- on of our Faith. It Teems, beloved, it is not enough to hold fall our Faith only, but the profe9Ion of it ; why fo ? truly there is this in it, the profeflimii of faith, is as neceffary, as the faith it felt ; mark that. See this from the mouth ofthat great ilpori/e,t May Gay from the mouth of God hinifelf,,o,ro. That if than wilt confeffe with tby mouth the Lord plus, and (bait believe in tby heart, that God bath raifed him from the dead,thou /halt be laved; for with the heart man believeth unto righteonfneff, and with the month confeff i- on is made unto falvation; An unprofefled Faith bath no falvation annexed to it ; you fee,the Scripture maketh it as neceffary to fal- vation, to profefs our believing, as to believe. Now beloved, if it be neceffary to believe, and neceffary toprofefs, it's then necetra- ry, to bold fafi faith ; and confequently as neceifiry, to hold fad the profeffion thereof; without Faith, there isno falvation, faith the Scripture ; and faith this Scripture, without the profeffion of this Faith, there is no falvation ; now to far! will keep faith,[ will only part with a little profeili,m, it is all one in Striptnre, as to part with Faith it felf; for why, the Scripture faith,/f thou believe with thy heart, and confefs with thy month, thou (halt be laved; fo that as long as Faith continues, profefion is to continue, or there is no falvation ; Faith without profeffion, will do no more for you, then profeffion without faith ; therefore obierve what the Apodle fpeaks, Heb3.14. faith he, We are made partakers with Chril,ifwe bold the beginning of our confidence iledfaft mete the end : not elfe. Thirdly,a third Argument is dravin from the a&with the qua- lifications , let's bled felt witbeut wavering; Now there are ewo things,to name no more that are hugely obliging in this very a&, with its qualifications : Firft , it is a manly ea, to hold fad that which is good : and it is a childid] a& to let it goo. I fay; it is a manly aa,it argues fornething of a great foul,and ofa great u- derflanding, and ofa manly refolution, fo hold fait that which n is 000d but it is childifh to let it go ; and therefore, fee how the A- b poffle pins there two together , Ephef.3.13,14. faith he (peaking : Apoffles and Tome Evangelilts, there, That God bath given fome. Prophets , font d andfoam Parlors andreachers, for the perfeting of the Saints for the workof the MinOry, for the edifying ofthe beds of Chrifi,till we all come in the unity of the faitb,and of the knowledge of the Son ofGod into:a perfeel man,untotbe meafure of the 'lat.:4.e of the fa?nefs of Cbriji. Now he comes in the 14th. ver, to add, That we