Farwell-Sermon. 263 we henceforth be no more Children tolled to andfro, and carried about with every wind of Doeifine,by theflight of men, and cunning craftinefs, whereas they lie inwait to deeeive : it is not for a man to be tolled to and fro,with every wind of Do&rine, for a chid to he bought out of a Pearl,with a bawble,is no great matter; but for a man,what a theme is it, why we fhould be men,not children tofFed to and fro with every wind ofdol7rine : now beloved you know theferipture calls upon us in fuch Language as this, Be couragious, and quit your felves like men, be not like children, that wkl dance after every Pipe, toffed to, and fro, and alwaies unflable. Secondly,It is not only amanly aktohold Taft that which is goods, h and ehildifli to let it go : but it is a Chriftian a &, a proper Chriftian 1" ak a right Chridlian akit is that which doth diftinguith a true Chri- Than from a Hypocrite and a Counterfeit, you know it is a Charaaer of a godly man, lie is a praying man, there went up two men into the temple to pray, the one was a Hypocrite,the other a publican, nowwhat is there then in pra yer, that cloth diftinguifh theft two men:why faith Job, will the Hypocrite pray alwaies? nonot he, I will warrant you; that is well, he held out in the profellionofGod, and of his worfhip and fervice ; the Saints arealwaies Paid topray : but as for the Hy -/ pocrite, will be pray alwaies ? no,not he; for here the true children of God, they will hold fait; but Hypocrites and Format/Its., they will le5 it go. Nowmark here,the Apottle ekes this diftin&ion Ideb.icaand the lafi ver. &awe are not of them who draw backto perdition, but of them that believe to the laving of their fouls; that is, of them that be- lieve to the end : for the end of our Faith is the falvation of our fouls : now pray you, mark by the way, what you draw back to: when you draw back, you draw back to perdition : they that goe backward, go to Hell. Now faith he, We are not ofthem that draw . back toperdition but of them that believe to the raving of theirfouls: and this is the difference he makes between them that are the people ofGod, and them that are not, that the end holds fait the other, let us go thus. I have given you an accout of the Arguments that are couch- ed in theft words drawn from the fubje&, the objeEtc and the aft, with its qualifications. I think 1 promifed you a fewhelps, with which I (hall conclude, take them in thefe three, or four particular,. Firflawould you hold fail ( I cannot but believe it to be all your, defires) well then, if you would hold faff, let me befeech this of y on, take heed of all, and every fort ofmen, that make Religion a Trade to get money,by which pet haps youwill fay,are there any Inch in the world? Oh,I would there were not.. See that Y 2irn.6.3,4,5. where the Apoille acquaints you with fuch menfaitbhealf any man teach other- Wife, and content not to wbolefonie words, even the words ofour Lord M m yefus,