Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

. Itg4 Mr. Vennwg s fus Chid, and to the Dot-trine which is aceording to godlinefs, the wholcforne Doarine,the healingword ; what then in the it4th, verfe,. faith he, he is proud, knowing nothing, but doating about quegions, and firifcs of words, whereof cometb firife, railing, evil furmifings, perverfe difputings of men of corrupt minds and deffitute of the tenth; fuppojimg that gain is godlinefs, or as moil read it,that godlinefs is,a gain,a meer Trape toget money by, from filch withdraw thy felt; if you be not bap. ized, they wilt tell you, you are not a Chriiiian ; and baptized you (hall not be, unlefs you pay for it ; they will tell you,you muft not at fuch and fuch times; but if you will pay for it,you may;they will tell yeiu,you muft not fin by no means ; but if you will pay for it, you may, and have a pardon for it, when you have done,fuch a one as they can give. Oh I befeech you when ever any make ufe Religion to get mony by,take heed of them, faith the Apofile, from thole that make god inefra Trade do get mony by, withdraw thy felf,and know,that godlinefs with contentment is great gain. Doubtlefs, godlinefs is the belt Trade in the world, if cloftly followed ; but the worft if wordily followed ; brit take up a Protection of the chtifician Religion, meetly for pomp and fiate and to ger gain, oh rueful ! is Chriccian Religion made tale of for Inch this ?, uix take heed therefore, as e- ver you would nand . fan in the faith, and held fart the TrOfeflion thereof ; take heed ofall,anet every fort of men, that make ufe of Religion toget money by. Secondly, Take heed of the errour of the wicked, left you fall from your Own, ftedfafinefs, this advice you have from the Apotile Peter, I Pet. 3 t7. re therefore ielieved,feeing you knoll, thefe things before,bewar4eaft you alfo being led away by the error of the wicked, fall fromyour ownftedfafinefs; them-our of the wicked is like to make one as wicked as they; pray, what was this errour of the wicked ? it was this; there was a generation of wicked men, that laid, it was in vain to ferve God, for fay they, where is the prornife ofhis coming? onely beloved, it was as much as to fay,there were no reward for godlinefs, nor no wages for ungodlinefs. Qh take heed of this errour oftilt wicked, it is a wicked errour, and none hat wicked ones hold it,to wit,That it is'in vain to ferve God, therefore keep this ftill in your hearts that Verily, in keeping his C, nimandements there is great reward ; ifthere were no morebut the very worklt is a great honotn- tous,that we may be fervants to fuck a God aab0t beloved, Be Oedfaft andunmoveable,knowing thatyour labour (hall not be in vain in the Lord, Mel.; .1 3. there is the like infiance. Tour words have been flout agairj} me, faith the Lord, rt ye fay, what bAve ore fpoillomuch againfi thee this God it always quarrelling wi h us, and laying things to or charge, what have we faid in the la v.refaid, it is in vain to ferve Go dond what profit is it, that we have kept his Ordinances -? we have walked mournfuly before the Lord of !lofts, and now we call the preud happy,yea,they.that workwirkednels are fee up, yea, they that tempt God are even delivered ; well now ' what follows ? then they that feared the Lord fpalee often one to another ; as if they had laid, let not thefe things takenny thing offthe edge of our affedions,or quench any flame ofour love 5 did God take any noticeof this now, that he had any fuch friends in the world o yes faith he, God h earkpeol, and heard, and a Boole ofremembrance was written before him, for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name,and they Thal be mine faith the Lord of Hofis, in that day xrhen I crake my jewels, and1 will fpare them as a manfpares his only Son that ferves him ; there is a time a coming, the day will declare, whether it be belt ferving God or the Devil ; well then beloved, as ever you would hold fait the pro- feflion ofyour faith, take heed of the error of the wicked, never think it vain to terve God,. though you may lookby it; for if yea look far biro, ye fhall never look - by him. Thirdly,