Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Mr, \Ten rung 5 Faretvel Sermon. s71 Thirdly, Would youhold fail the Profeilion of your Faith, then lay up the wordof faith in a good and honer heart, Luke 8; .15. It is laid thereof the goodground ; they are, they which having heard the Word, kept it, or hold it fail : where di) they lay it up now, ina good and honer heart? fo that you mull pull out his heart before, that you can pull out the Word ; and will any man fuffer his heart to be torn from hiin ? you will never hod it fdfli till you lay it up in a good and hoftell heart ; if it be onely in the hands of a Bible, as in your hands, or in the bead, it will be gone ; but if it be in your hearts, you will never let it go; therefore obferve, faith he, Having heard it, they keep it; and hold it fait in an honell and-good heart , and bring forth fruit with patiptce : they had a great deal of fuffer- ings, to bring forth withpatience ; for if they were not uhder irig, what need were there ofpatience ? Well Beloved, confider a -little further, as to this theConnexion between the Verfe preceed- ing the Text, and the Text, faith he, Let- us draw ,seer with a I's;se heart, in full affarance of Faith, having`our hearts fprinkled with 4 pure Confcience, and our bodies wafhed With pure water Let us hold fallthe prone on of our Faith : the purity of the heart is the hell prefervative of the Faith, .1 rim.3 .9. holding the myfleryof the Faith in a pure Confcience 7, a goodand howl' heart will never part with the my:flay-of Faith. Laflly, Would you hold fall the profeflion of your Faith, then look much too, and often confider Jefus Chrift, the Authour and Finifher of your Faith. David had got the faculty of walking with God, and howwas it, faith he, Iwill keep thy lovinzikindnefie before mine eyes, that I may Palk with thee, Oh, if wedobut keep the loving kindneffeof God in Jefus atilt, before our eyes, we 11134 certainly keep the Faith : faith the Apoftle, Having an High Friel? over the Ieloufe of God, let us draw near, and let us hold fair An High Friel?, that is , yefais Chrig, our great High PrieJL Feb, 3. Wherefore holy Brethren, bepartakers of the Heavenly calling, confi- der the Apotile and High Prieft of our Profeffion , Chrif? yefus. Heb.4.4. Seeing then, that ye have a great High Frie, ? that is pal= fed into theHeavens, yefau the Son 'of God, let us hold fait our Pro- fellion. Heb. a 2. 2. Looking unto 7efus, the Author and the Finsflier .51, our Faith, who for the lop that waslet before him, endured theCroft., elefpifid thefame, and is fet down at the right hand of the Throne of ('ad. Oh let us be thinkihg of, and looking to this Jefus. Youwill fay, what fhall we think of him ? Oh thinkof his condefcention in the world, of that vouchfafement, which as was never the.ike of his ; how he humbled himfelf, and fullered from God and man; Nu 'Think