Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

t 7 I. Mr. Venning's FAreavel Sermon. Think how he became poor, that was rich, that we that were poor, might become rich ; pink how he became a curie, think howhe became fitrfor us, think what a good Confeflion he made be- fore Pontita Pilate, even to the death, and was obedient to the death : Think how he concluered death by dying, and how he role again by his Almighty Power, and is afended into Heaven, and e- ver liyes. to make interceffion for thole that come,,to the Father through him: Think how be lived here on earth in a fad condition, and joyed in it, fo that it might be for our good, and {hall we leave fuch a Chrift a?, this ? Oh canyou look upon Chrift, and leave the profeffion of your Faith? It cannot be, keep Chrifl before your Eyes, make himyour pattern, and you will not, you cannot do a- milk, He that faith he abides in him, ought to ualk, as he walked: Ye walked in obedience all his dayes, and was obedient to the death : So mull we, wemull walk in obedienceall our dayes, though we dye for being obedient. You fee now, how many Arguments there are, for our holding fall the profeffion of our Faith. There are many now, that might be added, but the time is pall therefore I (hall Phut up all in the word's of rude, from the20. Verfes of his Epiftle, tothe end ; But you, Beloved, building tip your felves on your moll- holy Faith, praying in the Holy Ghoji, keep your felves in the Love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord 7efuo Chrig untoeternal li e, And of fome, have compaffion, making all difference ; and others;JC. 4 ith fear, palling them out ofthe fire, hating even the Garments fpolted by the NoWkli4iaonthint that a able to keep you from falling, and to frelent you faiklefre before the preftnce of his glory with exceeding joy, to the onelywile God isrf avio ter, be Glory andMai*, Denumie,, and Power, now andever. AAmen. ... Mr. . Yenning's Prayer. (-NH LordGod, thou art the Fountain of life, yea thou givell to all bp. It is necejlity draws us now unto thee, and we acknowledge it is a very great favour that thou will admit us to come into thy pretence. Indeed thefervices we do, are not worthy thy acceptance, thougetteft nothing by them, but the gain of godlineffe is to our [elves: but wo unto us, what a loffe, and what a curie will it be to us , to have a form of godlineffe, andyet be ungodly: Oh Lord , how jbould this indcar thee, and thy word ,*and thy fervice , that thou wouldji have $$