Mr. Valni3 g's us do goodfor our ownfakes ! thou turneft our obedience into privi dges ; thou haft made the Iran: of our happindre a part ofit ; If there were no other glory but to glorifie thee, 0 what aglory would it be to be fo. unddo- ing thy will ! there is a fweetneffe to befound in it more than the honey ana the hony-combe. It is a great happineffe to be conformable to Goa ; to be loving to God, to be like to God, is the greateft happincr, e that We can be capable of; Ifwe were now in Heaven, we could not have other happinefe but this ina great degree. OhLord ! how rbouldourfouls be drawnforth to euknowledg thee ! may we not cry out in admiration, Lord! what is man ! and among the fans ofmen, what are we that thou art fo mindful of us ! thou migsktfl have difplayed thy Word to many thoufands in the world, andwe left ignorant: but bleffeoi be thy Name, thou art pleated to admit even us alio there- unto. Oh let it not be a [mall thing to us, fieing we may not live to fer7.;e God., Oh Lord ! in Cbrill. it will be worth our while to live, and in him'twill be worth our while to dye: oh that we may mind the end of living, and the endof dying, that whether we live or dye, we may be the Lords. Indeed it were not worthour while to live and/pea fo much time in the world, if it wereonely to have pleafttre and honour, and gratifie our felves to eat and to drink,, and to be merry , thes is not worth our while what would it be. 0Lord, to die in our fin, and be eafed of the miferies of this world, and be fent to the place of torment ! but _teeing thou he providedfor our living and our dying well, give us to improve thefe means ,and that we may live and die well: let not our affeElions, though our body be upon the earth, though we cenverfe with flefh:yet let not our converfation be after thefieth,but let us be like them which havefent their hearts up to Heaven, and do but tarry here to fink(/' their .afters bufi- ne and then we 'hall go where our hearts are, and where our dear LordY elk's Chrift is. IndeedLord, we have caufe to complain of our hearts ; bow we mind this world as ifit never would have an end; and the world to come, it moldnever have anybeginning; as ifwe hadno fouls to mind, or hadno mind to lookto our fouls. We live as ifall thofeglorious reports thou haft made , were but as a tale that is told , we have catsfe to be afhamed that we have the means and the name of Chriflians, and have not lived anfwerable to the difcc- very of the Lord yefans Chrift. Indeedwe have caufe to bear our thaw , andyet how few of us nowwhat it is tohe afhamed, tofigh over our fins, and(roan over our iniquities ! bow few out of tenderneffe do mourn for find but as ifit were indifennt to us whether we have ourfins pardon- N n z ed,