Mr. V:.riling's Prdy(r., 275 'love in the righteoufneffe of the Gofpel ; cb Lord, thou kflowell all our frailties, and all our neceffities ; findout them that aredead infins, and quIckfn them : find out the hard hearts, and foften them find out, the proud hearts, andhumble them : find out the Formaliscis,andbring thert to the power of godlinefe : and pour. in Wine and 011 into the wounds of the wounded infpirit , and let theadminifiration of the Gofpel, le in the demonsciration of the Spirit, that as the truth o delivered to us, we may be delivered to the truth, that while we touch the hem of thy g. rrgent , venuemay come out from thee : thou haft Paid, That mercy plraleth thee, we are lure it will plearure us ; oh let us not lofe our time but ol3 thou teach us to profit and jupply cur wants , for the fah! of our dear Lord, to whomwithTbee and the Spirit, begiven more glory fromNOW,linto Eternity. ' --!0".. Mr. Meatbero Netvcomen's Farewel S ER MO N, Preached at Dedham in Flex; Aug.20. 1662, REV.3. VERS 3. Remember therefore bow thou hail received,andhegrd, and hold frft,, andrepent. y Began this Scripture the laft Lords-Day in this Congregation. I told you then, there were threeDoctrines obvious in the Text The firft was, Doti.. i. That it is the duty ofChrifilarts to, remember thole Truths that they have beard andreceived. Doet, 2. That it is the dutyof Chriltians, to hold fag. the Truths that they have heardand received. poet. 3. That continuedRepentance, is the duty of Chrinians, as wp11 as initial Repentance. Remember therefore km thou hall re- cdved, andheard, and.holdfafland repent. The'firft of thefe Poftrines, I applyed my felf to, and applyed to the people the lafl Lords-Day; and fhall not now fay any thing of it ; but proceed to the next Doetrine, That it is the Duty of Chriflians, To hold fasci the truths that they have heard and received. That which the Apoille enloyns on Timothy, is, in proportion the dutyof all Chriflians, Tam, 1, i 3 . Holdfaft the form of foundwords, which: