276 Mr. Newcomen's Farervel Sermon. which thou haft beard ofwe in Faitb,andLove ' whicb h in. Cbriff jeflu. The whole intireBDcly of Divine Truth. Hold it fall, againit all oppo- fitionwhatfoever. Now, if they that are then-delves Teachers of the 'truth to others mull hold fait the truth, according to the Plat-form that hath been delivered to them; then much more is this the duty ofprivate Chriffians,who are fuppofed, not to have that latitude of Parts and Gifts that Teachers have : And therefore you than find, that Chrift requires this,not only of the Pafiors,but of the Members of his Church, Rev.z. 24.fpeaking not only to the Angel ,but to the Body ofthe Church : But toyou Ifay, and to the Left in Tbyatica, as ;many as have not this Dolirine, and whichhave .nsot known the depths or Sathan,ar they (peak, Iwill put upon you none other burden, but that which you have already : old faft till I come. As if he fhould fay : This is all I requireof youmy People, keep your felves, and hold fait that which you have till I comp. And CO in the 3d of Rev. i I. Behold,I come quickly, hold that fait which thou ball, that no man take away thy crown. As if he lbould fay, That Divine truth, that thou haft heard and received,it is thy ct own,thy excellency,therefore hold it fall. This Duty of holding fare the truth, is urged in many other places of Scripture, under other expreflions ; as that ofcontinuing in the Word ofGod. Chriabyes, 1 fye continue in my Word, then areye my rifciples indeed. Andcontinuing in the Faith,43s 14.22. Paid and Barnabar vifiting theChurches, exhorted them to continue in the Faith. And fo thole termes,ofbeing rooted in the truth,of(landing, and (landing faft,andmany others,they all inforce this Duty. Now for the better handling ofthis Point, l (hall do thefe Four things, Fiat ' I (hall Phew you, What Chriftians are to hold fa II. Secondly, How they are to hold fail. Thirdly, Why they are to hold fail that they heard and received. Fourthly , I will apply it. Fha, What Chriftians are to hold fail t The Doctrine layer, They are to hold fait the Truths they have received. Now Truths are of two forts z. Some are Natural and Moral. 2. Some are Supernatural and Divine Truths : called Truths of God ; becaufe they come from God, and conform the Mind and Soul, that receive them, to the Image of God. Now,though it is true,it is rood for a man to be -right in Moral thin s,& to know,& clrave to that which is Truth in Morality ; yet the Truths that vce.are here called upon to hold f il,thcy are Divine Truths,