Mr. Ncwcomen's Farewel Sermon. 277 Trutl,s, Supernatural Truths, T: orbs in licltgion, -liuths in the eeines of ejoeL :.=e,oricily,Aeale, Religious and D:vint Tiutlis,Truths of God ; they ace,eicht.r as arc to in name, and in the eilimation of tome re,ri ; c,r cite h y are Inch Trviths, as are 1-1 nth:, of God, in the trine and the thing : Now, when I lay, that Chriftians are to hoid last the T uchs they have received, the meaning is nor, that hat ever any roan e or comp,my of men , offer as Truths, fhoold be received, and held fail ; for then e e mull hold fail m,ny Eriours : But vrhatever ink n call Truch,or offer as Truth, we muft ex-mine it by the unerringRiele of Tfuth,that is,the Word of Goi: In their things, it is a dear Cation,which we haveet Thefec.21 Prove al things, bold that which is good. Prove them by the Word' of God, and if they,hold Truth by that, then receive them, and hold them fall. Divine Scripture-Truths we are to hold fall. Scripture-truths, Truths that are grounded and war- ranted in the Word of God,they are either fuch as are immediately and exprelly laid down in Scripture, or fuch as are mediately con- tained in Scripture, and by deduftion drawn thence. Now thofe Truths, that are immediately and exprefly.laid down in Scripture; we are without difpnte, to receive and hold fall. But thole truths, tiat are drawn thence, we may make ufe of our ReaCon to examine them by the Word ; and fo farre as we lee them to he drawn from Scripture, we are to receive them, and hold themfaft. Fourthly, Divine Truths fromScripture,areof two forts : Either, the great and weighty things of the Truth of God,and ofReligion, which we call Fundamental truths 5 or elfe they are chafe things that are of leffe weight then Religion,and yet Truths of God. Now we are not only to hold fait thofe truths of God, that are the Fundamental truths ; as, that there is a God,and but one God; and that there is a Trinity of Perfons, in unity of Effence, Father, Song and Holy Ghotl 5 and that there is but one Mediator between God and Man, the man Chrift fetus, and that He is both God and man in one Perfon, and that he hath given fUll latisfaEtion to Divine juilice, for all that by Faith dole with him, and the like. Thefe are the great Points in Religion ; thefe we mutt be lure to boll fall. Andnot only thefe, but even the teller : thole Truths cf Religion, that comparatively, are, far leffe than thefe, we muff hold them fait. You know what our Saviour (ayes of the Commands There are fome that are the fire} and great Commandments ; and there are others, that are the leffer : But whofoever (hall break one of the leaft of God's Commandements, and lhallteachmen fo, the fame,