27,'S Mr.. NeWCOMereS F4rrod4ermen. fame Bali be lean in theKingdomof God. So, whofoever (ball re- nounce theleaft truth, God will be eaven with him fork. For thofe Truths of tod, which are little and final% comparatively, they may be ofgreat weight and confequence in their Sphere.Loi.ber laid, Let Heaven run together as a Scrawl, rat her then one Filingof Truthfhould be partedwith, Surely, tl ofe fervair s of God, the Martyrs, were not co prodigal of their lives, but knewwhat they did, when they fuffer- ed for fuc h Trhths, as men now call Trifles, and not worth handing for ; the leaft Truths of Godmutt be held faff. Thus you fee, V: hat we mull hold fall; Divine-Truths,Scripture- Truths, whether greater or leffer ; we muff hold fail, what we have received. I fhould, but that I fore-fee the time will prevent rne,ati- fwer an Objedion. Is there nothinsetO be held fart but Truth?Doth not the Apoftle bid the Thefraloniaus, in the fecond of theTheffahni- ant, the fecond Chapter, and the fifteenth Verfe, Hold the Traditions whichye have bre.cn ;aught,whether by word or our Epiii le? The Papifis make much of this place for their unwritten Traditions. in a word, know this, Though there were fOITIC Codrines of Faith, and Mat- rers of Pradife, which, when Paul writ this Epiftle, were not ex- pretty to be found inWriting, that had been preached by the Apo- files : yet this will not, in the kali; infer, that now, when the Canon ofScripture is compleaed, there fhould be fuck unwritten Traditions, to which we are togive up our Faith. I go on to the fecond thing ; and that is to thew, How we muft holdfag theTrut hs of God which we have heard and received. Firft, in your Judgments, being fully refolved, and fetled in your Judgments concerning them, not wavering about them, nor fuffer- itr our felves by any means and.waies, to be removed from our fled, faiineffe in them. Saies the Apofile, 2 Pet, 3.17. Suing you kNow thefe things, beware left yen alfo being led awaywith the erreur of the wick°d, feedfromyour own 17edfaiine.fi'e. Take heed you be not re- moved in your Judgments, Hold fail what you have received, and fuffer not every Wind to blowyouoff from them. Secondly, We muff hold fail the Truths we have heard and re- c eived in our wills and affedions, in our love to the Truth; wemull receive the Truth in the love of it, or elfe we Thall never keep the Truth ; Love is the firongefl hold-fall in theworld no manwill part with that which he loves: What makes the Covetous man fo unwil- ing to part with his Money, but becaufe he loves it What makes the luffful firmer fo unwilling to part with his Lull-, he will part with Heaven, rather than with hisluft why , it is beeaufe he cloth fo love it. If mendid love theTruth; they wouldhold it fail, Third'y,