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Newcomen's Paella- Sermon. Thirdly, You muft hold fail the Truth, in the profeffion of it 10. 23. Let tos boldfait the profeffion ofthe Trtetkor of the Faith, , without wavering. e mutt not onely believe with the heart , but confeffe with the mouth, if we would be faVed : WhenPeter deny- ed his Mailer with his mouth, and faid, I know him not : I am per- fwaded he denyed him not in his heart. It is a dangerous thing in word, or outward profeffion, to renounce the Truth, or any part of it. Holdfoft theprofeffion ofthe Truth. Fourthly, We mull hold the Truths of God fall, in our Life and Converfation ; this the Apoille calls walking in Chrift, and holding forth the wordof Life, in a blameleffe and harmleffe Converfation We muff hold fail the Truthof God in our lives. Fifthly, We mull do all this confiantly, Hold fail theTruth in our Judgment, and Affeetion, and C'rofeffion, and Converfation,conflant- ly, and at all times , as David, Ihave inclinedmy heart to perform thy Statutes alwaies, even unto the end: tie mull not onely in times of calmneffe and ferenity, when we may have all thepeace, and applaufe of the world, hold fall the Truth and profeffion of it ; but in, flor- my times, when Truthmayburn a mans fingers,ifhe hold it,yet even then we mutt hold it fail. Sixthly, We mull hold fail theTruths we have received, Refolute- ly, againfl all oppofition whatfoever, whether of Friends, or Foos. Paul would not bate an inch, no, not to Peter his Brother, his elder Brother inChrift, and in the workof the Gofpel; he refilled him to the face, and gave not place to him, no, not for anhour. Thus fhould we hold fall the Truth, that wehave heard and rece ved in our Judgment, in our Will, and Affections, i,n our Profeffion , and in our Live,s and Converfations. And thus hold them fail con- flantly, and refolutely, againit all oppofition, on the right hand, and on the left, kith of Friends , and Foes , and that for thefe Reafons, which is theAll thing I have to do, which is to fhew you, Why we fhouldholdfaja the Truths ofGod. Firft, For theexcellency ofDivineTruth, it is moreprecious then Gold, better. then Rubies,and all that you can defire, cannot be com- pared withTruth. And it mull needsbe fo, becaufe it is the imme' (hate iffue of God hitnfelf, who is the Fountain of Truth, and the Fountain ofall Perfetlion andGlory. Natural men have faid,Truth is the Daughter of time. Divines lay, Truth is the Daughter of God. DivineTruth is the Child of God, the Iffue and Birth of God, And who `c -yen therefore God bath pleafed todeliver his Truth unto,they /nag; b tenierly careful, that it be, not deflowred and violated. eco..dly, Itis our duty, tohold fall the Truth that wehave recei- 0 o ved