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zga Mr. Newcomen's Fare'wei3ermo3 , ved, becaufe we have received it under the notion of thole things, that have a kind of contlancy in them. I fay, we have received the Truth, under the nature of thole things,that have a kind of constan- cy, and perpetuity in them. The Scripture fpeaks of the Truths of God, as an Heritage; The reflimonies have Ifpoken for mine Heritage, faith David, in the it 9. Pfalm. Though a man's perfonal Efiate may be alienated; yet that which is his Heritage, this is unalienable in Law; it is a wrong done to his poiterity, if he parts with that;Truth is the Inheritanceof theSaints, therefore they are to hold it faft. A- gain, in Scripture the Truthof God is called a thing committed to a man's cruft, 2 Tim. 1.14. That good thing which was committed unto thee,keep by the Holy GhoTh 'which dwelleth in us. That good thing! what was that ? why, the form offound words ; which, in the Verfe be- fore, he had bidden him ho/dfaff : this is but a Reduplication of the fame thing on him. TheBody ofGofpel Truths, that was commit- ted to thee, hold it fall. that good thing, a poi thing : the Author of it is good, and it makesus good ; all that is contained in it is good Matter, and it ends to a good end, the lavingof our Souls. This faith he, bath beencommitted to thee, therefore keep it. A thing committed to a man's truft,muft be fo kept, that it may be re-delive- red, and re-delivered intire and whole, and re-delivered to the fame perfon that did commit it to us, elfe we cannot be faithful to our trull. The truth of God is committed to our trust, we mull fo keep it, that we may redeliver it and re-deliver it intire and whole, and re-deliver it thus intire and whole to him that committed it to us, e- ven to God. This is the duty of all Chriflians, thus to keep the word. There is acommitting of the Truth to all the Church and Saints of God ; as yule tells us in his EpifIle,verfe the Third, That ye fhould contend earneftlyfor the Faith, which was once delivered to the Saints. TheFaith, that is, the Doctrine oFaith, the Truth of the Gofpel, which was delivered to the Saints. We have but one Gofpel, and it was delivered but once 3 God means no more to deliver his Go- fpel, and the Truths of it, therefore you had need flrive hard to keep them, and hold them. Thirdly, We should hold fail theTruth that we have received, be-. caufe ifwe donot hold it fall, we do wrong Ged , and we wrong our (elves, and we wrong the Truth , and we wrong our Fo- fierity. I. It is duty, To holdfie the Truths we have received; becaufe, ifwe do nor, we wrongGod, for Truths are more Gods, t hen ours: they are ours, as to the life of them; but they are his, as he is the O- riginal and Author of them. Truths are God's Jewels; there is ne- ver