Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Mr. AreWConlen'S Fisretvel SerwOn. never aTruth of Rdigion,but God owns it as his:and for us to bar. ter away any of thefe Truths of God,it is a Sacriledg,it is a robbing of God,ic is a wrong to God.This is that God complains of, by his Prophet,in the Second ofI eremiab,the Eleventh andTwelfth Verfes, Hatio a Nation changed their Gods,robich areyet no Gods ? but my People Haile changed their Glory,for that which doth not profit. Be aftonifkd, 0 ye Heavens, at this, and be horribly afra d be. ye very defolate,faitb the Lord. The Prophet indeed (peaks of a total forfaking of God, and all his truths ; but there is,in the forCaking of every truthla proportion of wrong toGod. 2. k is a wrong done to the Truths of GOD when men hav received the truth, and embracing it, hold it not faft,but call it off: this is a wrong to the truths of God, We. fay, It is leffe. reproach to a man, when he comes to my hook, to (hut the Doer again fi him, andnot receive him in at all , then , when he hath been in a while with me,I turn him out ; all the World will now thing find caufe to be weary of hint. They who have Phut their hearts againit the truth,and never gave any entertainment to ir,they are lefre injurious to it, than they that have received it, and profeffed it, and yet turn from it. There tell the World, that the truths of God are not fo fweet, and worthy of their entertainment, as they fuppofed them to be. 3. This is an injury and wrong to our felves ; this is a wrong to our Credit and Reputation. Now,chough we m ay not make Credit our End in Religion ; yet we may make de of our Credit or R.e- proach,as an Argument to hold fait the truth ; and this is injurious to our own Soules, 70bn 8. 31, Tben 7efus [aid to thole Jews whicb believed on him ; Ifye continue in my Word,then areye my Difciples indeed. Here Chrill dot( Teem to diflingulfh his Difciples; he hack fmne that are Co in name, that are not fo in deed ; and he hash force that are fo in deed, and in truth ; and of thee he gives a Chare4er here, Ifye continue in my Word. You now preff.fre to believe my Word;but if you hold fill, and continue in myWord, then you are my Difciples indeed : But if you continue not in my Word, you have the name of Difciples only, and that will not rave you. You can never be faved,unlefre you be indeed the Dilciples c.f Chrift : and you can never approve your felves to be the Ili-cit.:lese,f C brill indeed , ifye continue not in the truth. t yob 2, 24. Let that therefore abide inyou, _whilly joie have received and heard fforntbe beg aping. If that which ye have heard from the beginning (hall remain in you,ye (hall continue In the Son,and in the Father : Hold fill.. the truth ofGod, which you have received, then (hall you continue in the Son : If the truth o 2 of