282 Mr. NeWCortien'SFeeivel SerMaw ofGod, which you have received and btlieved, remain in you, and be held faft byyou, ye than continue in the Love of the Father and Son,but not elle 5 according to what he expreffeth again, Whojotver tranfgrefetkond abidethnot in the Dollrine ofChrift, bath not God, there- fore be cannot-be faved; he that abideth in the Tonne, bath the Father and the Sen. Therefore as you would be faved, hold f4t the truths you have received. Now, here ( but I have not time to (peak to it ) is a Cafe of Confidence ; Whether every errour doth cut aman offromGod ? .elniftver, No,God forbid : But this wecannot (peak to now. Fourthly, They that hold not faft the truthof God, are injurious to their Pofterity, Our Fore-Fathers holding faft the truth ofGod, in the day oftheir trial, and feeling it with their blond, was the meansoftranfmitting the purity oftheGofpel to us their PoIleritye and, ifwe,in our Generation, hold not fa ft the truth of God, but carry it look inour Confciences and Judgmentr, and welet it f out ofour hands and hearts,we forfeit the truths of God, not onely fromour felves, but alto from our Pofterity. Thus you fee, we flail wrong theGodof truth,and the truth of God; we (hall wrong our felves,and our Pofterity, if we hold not fat} the truth we have received. Thus we have the Reafons of the Dottrine. eApplication For Application : Here, firft, I might bewail the general want of the care of the performance of this Duty,whichbath appeared many years in this Land. We have had littlecare of holding felt the truths we have received For holding fail the truth in your judgment, Howmany are there, whofe judgements have been perverted with many Errours ? This is that which the Apoftle call, A turning afide to another gofpel, in the Firft ofthe galathians, and the Sixth VerCe. And fa for holding faft the truth in the love of it,Howmany are there,that have failed in that,which Chrifi calls, The forfaking of thefirii Love, Revelations the Second, and the Fourth Verfe. And we fleou!d hold fait the truth in the Profeflion of it : and howmany are there that have failed in that ? this the Apoftla calls in the Tenth of the Hebrews, A drawing back into Perdition. And for holding fall the truth in the Pra 'aice cf it, Hew many have failed in that, that have been Profefrors, and now are grown bode and &bawled I This the Apoith Peter calls, A turning afide trim