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Mr. NeWcomen's Fdreivel Sermon. from the Healy Comnoandement. All thefe things call for ,our lamenta- tion. Exhortation. But the whole work,, that I wilt apply my felf to,- is, to exhort e- very one ofyou to the careof this duty, 7o hold faft the Truths that you have heard and received. Hold them faft in your Judgment, hold them faft in your Will and Affedions, hold them faft in 3 our Lives and Converfations, hold the Truths you have receives conflantly, and hold them againft all oppofition on the right hand, and on the left, fromFriends and Foes. To preffe this upon you, I think I fhall need ufe no other Moti ye, then what I have layddown before you in the Do&rinal Part ; onely this one thing more, and that is, Take notice, howurgent the Spirit of God is, in prefting this in Scripture. Now, faithMr. Hilderfham, If in thofe dales, when the Apofttes were yet living, who taught thepeople of God with more power and de- monftration of the SI irit, then any ofus do, or can. Yes, if then they hadneed of fuch Exhortation, to continue in the Doctrine, and to abide in it, to Rand faft, and hold faft, the Word and the Truth of God, how much more needful are thefe Exhortations in our dales ? If any fay, No; There is not more caufe, for then the Magiftrate was a Mortal Enemy to the Gofpel, and the Profeffors of it : but we are 'thanks be to God) under a ChriftianMagiftrate, who dosh not oppofe, but countenance the Gofpel, and theProfeffors of, it. ifany makes this Objection, I will give you Mr. Helderfham's Anfwer to it, which I find in a Sermon of his, Printed in the Year, One 1 houfand SixHundred Thirty and One, which is nowOneand Thirty Years a. gone: faith he, Though, through, thegreat mercy of GOD, we in this Land, enjoy the Gofpel ingreat peace, and have it couyte'mutedby AN- thority ; and though, through the Religious Difpofition of the KING we may have great hopes ofthe continuance ofthe true Religion, andfeem. to be freed from all fear of the altering of it : Yet (fayes he ) there needof this Exhortationeven in thefe days : and that for theft) Reafons. REAS. 1. Firft, Becaufeof the great dangerwe are in of being over-run, en over-fpread with Popery, and the FieryTryal, before we are aware For, Pays he, 7hegreat increafe of Papifts that we dayly hear of,,aud the great declining ofmany, whoare ready to receive an Errour that fhalIto, offered to them thefe things give us Infk wife tofear the darger of Po- tcrl over-f:preading sts, And.