84 Mr. Newcomen's Fdrervel Sermon. And Brethren, if it were fo in his time, fo many years ago, what is it now ? REAS. II. Secondly, fays he, Iflo-there were no danger of Popery : yet, fays he, there are fo many Errours newly fprung up, that do Phew how need- full this Exhortation is. REAS III. Thirdly, lays he, There isfuch ageneral decayof the loveof Religion %n all places, andamong allforts ofpeople, and fo stanch irreligionfneffe every where, that it is the general Difeafe of the Nation. Therefore,he concludes, that in thefe times of ours, though Reli- gionhath theMagiftrate to countenance it, yet there is much need of preffing this Exhortation, as ever there was 5 namely; To bold fall the Truths that we have heard and received: . Now if you ask, What you (hall do, that you may be able tohold fail the truths that you have received, I will give you fame Directions. Firfi, If you would hold fail the truth that you have heard and re- ceive& get into rooted and eftablifhed in him. Brethren, It is not all the learning in the world, and abilities that man can have, that will inable him to hold out, and hold fail the truths that he hath received. If a time oftryal come, unleffe Chrifl be his Boc tom and Foundation, unleffe Chrift be his firength : If a man flands upon his own legs, his own parts and abilities, to argue and dipute, and repel Objeftions, alas, thefe things will fail in a day of tryal. Fri fon, and Death, and a Stake, are fuch arguments, Brethren, t Eat all the learn- ing and parts of the world cannot anfwer, but one!). (Thrift, and his Spirit, and grace in the heart. Therefore, ifyou v tid hold fall the truth which you have received and heard, and not be. beaten off from them in the day of tryal, get intoChriti, rooted, and eftablifhed in him, then (hall you {land, not elfe. 2. If you would hold fail the truths that you have heard and recei- ved, t hen take nothing upon trufc in matters of Religion: what ever Preachers you hear, or what ever Books you re?, take not things upon miff, but examine them, and prove themby the Scriptures,and judgwhat foundation, and warrant they have from the Scriptures, and accordingly receive them, or receive them not. It is obferva- ble in i Th( fr. 5. when the Apofile fays, Defpife n©t Prophelyingc in thenext words he fays,Prove all things, and holdfait that which is good: as ifhe fhould fay, though .I would ngt have you defpife Prophefying, and