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Mr. i',11,71Tcyrnek's Farm4r Se701.1n.' 285- and preach rs,yet I would not have you to take things upon truil, in matters of fielii&n, But prove all things, andhold fait that which is good. 3.11 you would he able to hod fail the truths that you have heard and rece:ved, get a clear and d;flinel, and certain know led g of what is truth, that which youwould hold faft,get a clear allured knowledg, that it i the truth of God. z Tim.3.14. Continue thou in the things -which thou haft learned, and haft been afured off: if a man would con- tinue in the things that hehath learned, he mull be affured of them , that they are the truths of God But how (hall a man be affured that fuch and fuch things are ths,truths of God ? He may know this firfl, by the confonancyof them to theword of God ; fecondiy, by the power of them on his own heart, to-convince, or humble, and quick- en it. 4. If you would be inabled to hold fan the truths you have heard and received, then get a highvaluation and efleem of the truths of God. Suclras Davidhad, Pfal.119.12. The Law of thy mouth is better untome, than tboufandrof Gold and Silver. Better in it felf; all the Gold and Silver in the world, all the riches in the"!Vorld , gill never do a man fo much good as that; and better in my eflirnation I value it more, I had rather part with all, then with the Word : A man that is of this mind, he will hold fail the truth : /Oh that there - were fuch a heart in every one of you t as to fay, The words of Gods month they are better thenEfiate, and better thin Liberty, and better thenwife and Children : if there were fuch a heart in us, this would inable us to hold fail the truths of God, and part.with all, rather then them. 5. Ifyou would hold .faa the truth that you have received .and heard,then make confcience,topratiice accordingto what you know; make confcience to obey the truths of God, obedience is the finue of constancy, Chrifl faith, Luke 6, 44. Whofoever hears thefe Sayings of mine, and doth them, he is like a manwhich built his houfe, and jigged deep, and laid the foundation op: a Rock; and when thefloodarofe, and thefireamr beat vehemently upon that 1-loufe, it couldnot fhak it. Mark ye, it could not be fhaken ; the confcionablepraftical hearer,and re- ceiver of the truthof God, he is the man that is like to hold out, and to hold fail the Word : he that hath been a carelefs hearer, and ne ver made conscience to hear for obedience, and practice, he is blownc- -- ver prefently : it is a fad paffage I have met with in that Reverend . man, Mr. Hilderfbam, and tome it teems to have much -weight in it What hopes, fays he, can we'have of many of our hearers in England, who are willing to give theWord a hearing, and outwardly profeffe.,: it