275o NeWcornen's Farm! Sevinon, it ., but what hope canwe have, but that if a timeof tryal come, they will turnPapifts, or profain, or any thing ? for they never loved the Word, when they heard it : and they never obeyed t,he Word, but lived in known fins : they take up a formofgodlineffe, and hate the power of it : what hope, but that if a time of tryal come, thefe will fall from the truths. 6. Ifyou would be able to hold fait the truth that you have heard, and received : then take heedof receiving the leaft truth ofGod,take head I fay,of knowing and willing,forfaking the leaft truth,and know- ing and willing, givingway to the leaft errour, as the committing of the leaft fin, may render a man abominable untoGod, as you find in Levit.11.43.Toss fhall not make. your felves abominable with any creeping thing : that is, with the eating ofany creeping thing. Now this was one of t he leafl commandements that God gave out, for the not eating of fuch and fuch things: and yet by tranfgreffing this, the people might make themfelves abominable : the committing Of the leap fin may make a manabominable toGod : fo the embracing of the leaf': errour, and the forfaking ofthe leaft truth, may make a man abomi- nable toGod : the leaft truth forfaken knowingly, and the leaft er- rour imbraced knowingly, becomesa great fin : and a little errour, makes way for a greater : once a man gives way to one errour , a thoufand will follow after. If we would hold fall the whole body of truth, we mull take heed we forfake not the leaft truth, if we for- fake God and his truths, whether in leffer matters or greater : and if we turn back again to Popery, and conform to the Papills in leiter matters (faithMr. Hilderfham) know ofa certainty,that Popery thatl return again. 7. If you would hold fall the truths you have heard and received thenThun all fuch perfons as would go about to draw you off from the truth of God ; fhun all Seduceis, confer not with them, have no- thing to do with them, and their wayes, Prov, 19, 27. Craft' my Son, tobear the inftruRions that caufetb to erre from the words of knowledg; thouhall been infirufted ir. the.words of knowledg, and ifanywould inflret thee otherwife, and leek to draw thee off from the words of truth, and knowledge, have nothing to do with them : Ceafe my Son tohear the InfiruClion that caufeth toerre from the words of knowledge. Nowmy Brethren, this advice T judge to be more feafonable, becaufe it is in my apprehenfion, that this prefent providence of God, in takino b offat one ttroak, fo many of his Servants ( that have endea- voured in uprightneffe of heart to inflrud you, and the people of Cod, from this work,) it is on (Try to.eart to think and fear, thiswil give aretat advantage toSeduce: s, to leek to corrupt you, and draw you off