Mr. NeWConien's ForweiSermon. 2S7 offfrom the truth to their party; When the Shepheards are frnitten, there is a great opportunity given to the Foxes, and Wolves, to make a prey of the hock : When God makes it dark, and night,then all the Beath oldie Forrea doe creep out : as the Pfalmifi Ffal. 104.2o. When there is a night and Cloud on the Or di nan- ces of God, then all the Beans ofthe Forrea will go forth, many will undertake to be your inftruaors and fay here is Chria, and there is Chrift ; but believe them not remember the things that you have heard and received,and hold them fall : ceafe from the infiat- &ions of thole that would turn you aficle. 8. And Laftly, If you would be able to hold fat the truths of God, then commend your (elves the truths you would hold toGod in Prayer, and beggof God to hold you, thlt you may keep his truth : Put up thole Requefis to God, that 'David (loth, Pfal i . Holdupmy goings in thy patbr, that my foot- §-lei); flip not ; and in the 119. Pfalmo, Be furety for tby Servant for good, hold thou me up, and1 _pall be fate, and I trill have refpoR unto thy Statutes continually ; And thus my Brethren I have done with this doarine, and this Sermon, and as far as I know, with my Preaching in this place : The day is at hand, wherein I, and many others of my Breathren (hall be (though not naturally dead,yee) civilly dead, dead in Laws dead as to the work tithe Mini flty. And, as I told them of this parti- cular Congregation, the Laa Lords day ; fo I tell you ; know what I would be willing to fpeak to you, if I lay on my death-bed, and had that exercileofPaeafon and Memory that 1 have now : look I fay, what I would fay to you, if I now lay on my Death-bed; the fame 1 (hail fpeak to you now, through Gods affifiance ; and fira, I would, and in four meafure dogive thanks to God, the God of the fpirits of all flefh ; that hath called me a poor untnerthy Creature, not only to the knowledge, but to the preaching of the Carpel of his Son Jtfus Chrifl; and that in this place, and in this part of the Land; and hath pleated in mercy to continue IVe and liberty to me in my work here, almoa Twenty Six years. Secondly, I would be, and 1 hope 1 am in Come meaftire, thankfull to God, and to his people, both of this Town,and ofthe Neighbour-hood, for a great deal of love and recpe&, and encouragement, that they have given to my Perfon and Miniftry here ; and particularly, I doe acknow- ledge my felfto be greatly obliged to my Reverend Brethren the Neighbour- Miniltert, for the much love I have received from them, their readineffe to help me, in fupplyingmy place in the time of my fickneffe, or abfence ; andTweet /ochry I have had with them, I be- lieveyou think it is no ealie thing for me to fpeak, or think of pae- ans with lath A tditory, acid Society the like to which, I never P p look