288 Mr.NevvcoMen's FArtwel men. look tohave on Ear, .h again. But fedi) gi- m -lel your Ca a , 4 1.11 A < 4, Godwill have it fo, we mutt tubenic, and ly at fair :eat : that which hee hath made cro la.,,d,who can make ftraight ? But before wepart, give me leave to (peak a fewwords to you, fomething by way of Ragu ft, and something by way ofAdvice ; by way of Re- gueft, I would fpeak this. ft, That It any of you have found any benefit by my poor Minifiry, that if any of you have been enlightned, or awaked, or ftrengthned, andbuilt up in the truth, and encoura ged in the ways of holintlia,by any thing that Godhath put into my mouth to (peak to you, let God have the praile,and let me have fome room in your hearts and prayers, however God fhall deal with me. My fecond ['Leggett is, That wherein foever you have Caen any failings m nie, or any failings in my Minifierial duty, that you would pleafe to pals it by, and to help me in prayer to God, fbr the forgiveneffe of them : Tilde are my Plaque tis of you, and that which I have to lay to you, by way of Advice, is much the fame, with what I Paid to this particular Congregation the lad Lords day. Take in thefeparticulars. t. I would advife you, and intreat you, that we may all of us lay to heart, this present Difpenfation of God towards us, and the Nation, in this refpe6t, that wee may be fenfible of it.. I remember, when I was young, and my famous Predeceffor, Mr. Rogers, was taken off from his 1V1initiry in this kinde, though but for a few weeks, thefe parts were wonderfully fenfible of that providence, and laid it to heart; andwere much in Humiliation, and in Payer and I think, I may fay, they received an answer again within Come weeke. NowBrethren, though hee was worth fome hundreds of us ; yet now it is not the laying of one man, but of multitudes, fifty in one place and threefcore in another ; and fourfcore in an.. other, and this not by a Tingle Ei(hop, but by an anof Parliament, which makes the wound the wider and the more uncapable of cure; and_fhall wee not be fenfible of this? Sh al fo many precious %Faris be laidby,as veffels ofno pleafure, and none take it to heart ? Shall fo many burning lighs be quenchedeogether,fo many wells of theWater of Lifebe flopt up together,and this not be laid to heart : I befeech you confider and be fenfible. 2. In the cfeepeff, and taddeft fence you have of this Providence cfGod 5 watch over your own fpirits, that you lay the blame of it no where fo much as upon your felves : blame none fo meth for this , as your (elves. Some blame the times and charge it not on their iniquities ; others are apt .o blan e us Mi. Difir15,ancl charge it on cur uiceneffe and fingularity. Might my Advice