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Mr. Newcomen's Farentel Servo,. 289 Advice take place with this people, I would define, that every one of us might lay the blame no where fo much, as on our felves, for ccr- tainly, we have procured thefe things to our (elves. 1 find our Pee- deceffours, the M rtyrs, when by a LawReligionwas changed in the Nation, and Idoilatry let up, they laid the blame not on the La - makers, but on themfelves, and their own hearts. One of them _faith, All this is come upon us, becauje we did not love the Gojpel; we were. Gofpellers in lip, but not in life : Much more cloth it become whole fufferings are tar 'etre, to blame our felves more, then we blame any others. 3. My third Advice is this, and I befeech you take it in love, for, it is out of love that it is given you ; ifyou ihould perceive at this time a difference in opinion and pra&ice among us, that are the Mi- nifters of the Gofpel in th is. Nation,flandi ng, and ft ick ng,at things that otherscan digeft, arid do; and others doing things, that Come of their Brethren cannot come up unto. Be not offended, thus it hath alwaies been from the beginning, it is no new thing. Thus it was in King Edward's (layers. if there be any of God's Servants ;hat are Learned, andHoly, and Faithful, that do now for the enjoyment of their Miniliry, yield a con'orrnity, to all that is enjoyned,I doubt not but many of them are greved, that they cannot have the exercife of their Miniftry without this : and we, who cannot come up< to this,are griev, d, that we cannot come up to it ; the one, and the o- ther, have griet enough : adde not your cenures to this grief, that is already upon them. It hat h been all along, a merciful providence of God, that when fame of his Servants could not fatisfie their con- fciences, and come up to the things that have been impofed upon them, without injuring their Coniciences; yet others have had a greater fre-dum gi yen them, that they could yield, and if not fo , what would have become of the people of God ? Therefore,in thofe things, acknowledg there may be forne providence ofGod, for good toyou in it. 5. My Fourth Advice,l,fhall deliver to you wholly, in the words of that Holy `Ilan, and Martyr ofGod, Matter Bradford . in his Letter to the City of London, faith he, Let us heartily bewail ourfins,' and repent ofour evils, let us amend the evi s of our lives, lot us every one be diligent in prayer, a Id attend with reverence., on the reading, and hearing of Gods holy Word, let sea reprove the works of derkneTe, let us flee from Idolatry, and which is the part,calar, I would indeed commend untoyou; Obey the Magi'. a;41 diem that circlet over iso in the Lord, in all things, that .,:re not againft the Word, and when obey command any thing contrary to the Word , let us anfwera It is meet to obey God, rather then men. However, faithhe, P p2 refill