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290 Mr. Newcomen's Farm/ Sermon. refill' not the 114giftrate, nor fee* to avenge jour reives : lut coinmit your core to God, be patient, and fubtnit to all oat are in Authority over you, but refill not, rife not mainft Authority, but wait on Cod, till he pleafeth to cafe the Light to arife andfhine again urou you. This is my, fourth Ad- vice. 5. Now it pleafeth god, that hearing opportunities, at leaft,fome of them are taken from fome ofus, from many of us, for a time. My Advice and Counfel is, that the leffc now you hear, the more you would read ; read the Word of Gcd much the more, and take all helps for the right underflaningof what you rea The Book of Annotations is a great help to inlighten you to underfiand the Scriptures: and next to the reading of the Scriptures, what (pare hours you have, I would advife you to bellow your time in reading of the Book ofMartyrs) a Book that hath formerly been more pri-- zed, then of late in England. ECrecially, read that part of it which contains the Hiffory of Queen Marie, dayes ; they will inform you, of the great controverfies that are between us, and the Papills, and they will informyou, what you Chill anlever ; the reading how chearfully they went toprifon, and to the flake, will imbolden yom againft the fears of fufferings, and death and the reading of their Letters, will be a great means to editie, and build you up: this read- ing of the Scriptures, andother good Books, is my fifth Advice to you. 6. My fixth Advice toyin is, That feting God bath taken away our week-dayes opportunitiesof hearing the Word, here, and in other places, you would be careful, that the World may not devoure Goat Portion, / mean that portion of time, which fome ofyou have bellowed on hearing thefe Lectures: It was a good fpeech of a gracious Woman now with God, when Mr. Rogers was filenced Well, faith the, by the grace of God, the world pall newr have thole hours that Iwos wont to fpend in hearing heretofore : her meaning was, the would (pond them in her Clofet in holy duties. It was an excellent Refolution,and' worthy ofour imitation: and if I might,afrer oven. ty fix years labour here the Mineiiry, now at my parting, obtain thus much of you, that you having been pleated to re conflant hear- ers here, -would lay a Law on your (elves, that fo much time as you formerly (pent in comingisither fitting here,andin returning home, that yits would fpend that time at home, either in praying and reading, and mediaat;ng in your Clolets, or elk in praying in and with your Families, and infiruaing of them : if 'I might but obtain thisof you at my parting, I fhould believe, that the Devil and his Kingdomwould he looters, by this our parting, if you would ['pent! this