Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Mr. Newcotren's Fermi Samos. 291 this time weekly in holy e.:ccrcift:s, readirq. and praying for your relyet, and for the Nation, atrci for your Farnilies,. which you were wont to filen] i a coming to thefe Leatirei, and in attending here, and returning home and that in my lixth Advice to you, and them, fore let me intrcat this of you. 7. And my fevemh Advice and Conned is this, That Peeing it pleafeth God to take away from you fo many of your publick I r- ilruEtors,that you would every one-of you that-are heads. of Fami, lies, be lo much the more in in trusting and teaching your Families: Be fo much the more in this, by howmuch the leffe is done in pub- lick. Read theWord in your Families,, and Catcchife your Farris lies : and fee that they may underhand tnem : you have many helps for this, as Mr. Perkins, and Mr, Ball, and the Affemblies Cate- chifme. 8. And the tali Advice I have to give you, is this, That you. would (till continue your reverence of, and love to, and care for the obferving of the Lords holy Sabbath ; it is that my Brethren, wherein God path been honoured in this Town, and in there Parts, I think, as much as ha moft places of the World, and I pray, do fo and when you have not publick Ordinauce.,,and publick helps for the finecify lug of the Lords Day at home, in your own Congre- gations, if you can have the Word and Ordinances,in arty comfor- table manner abroad travel for it, 1 fay travel for ir, and when you have them not at home, nor abroad, be fo much the more ear. nett arrd fervent, andabundant in your Family, and fecret Duties, in the faatificationof the Lords Day: I have foine feart,leaft if time fhould come to that paffe, that the Magiftrate fliould connive at the profaning of the Lords Day, giving way to Sports and Recreati- ons on it, and Preachers should crydown the thickt oFervation of the Lords Day, and the like : 1 am affraid we have many youths ' that in there parts, notwithitanding all the Nitrations that have been.. given them, would be ready to dance after thefe Pipes, and run into the profaning of the Lords Day : therefore you that are Governours of Families, remember the Charge that God bath given you, more expreily concerning this, then in any other thing that 1 know of: Thou , nor thy Sonue, nor thy Daughter , nor tby Alan Servant, nor thy Maid Servant , nor thy Cat eel , nor thy srarlger that is within thy Gates, 'bait thou [eer to violate the Day of the Lord: Uierefore know your Authority, and do your Duq : And put cn that holy Refolution of yofkua,TrbaN foever others do, I and tny Houfe milt ferve the Laid : fo fay you Wpatever etbers do, I and mine will fan 'fie the Lords Day, and keep