292 Mr. Newcomen's Parallel Sermon. keep it holy : So do and the biding of God {hall be on Iron all the week long. And now Brethren, I commend yoU to God and to the Word of his Grace , which is able to build you up, and to give an Inheritance among all them that are fanaified. 1......0Wilbsimesepaine0.100 goompoca.. Mr. Brooks his Faren'el SEk.MOACt AL L that I {hall, do, {hall be to arAver two or three Queries, and then I {hall leave a fec,, Legacies with you, that may (peak when I am not advantaged to (peak to you. The firft Query is this : What Pauli, be the reafon that men make fuch oppofition againfi the Gofpel, againft the plain; pow- erful, confcientious preaching of it? This is not the principal thing that 1 intend, and therefore. I pu onely touch upon the reafon of it. 1. Meng hatred and oppofition arifeth againfi the Gape!, becaufe it doth difcover their hidden works of darknefre, John 3. They hate the light, leaft their deeds fhould be reproved. The Goipel brings their deeds of darkneffe to light ; and this Ilirs up a fpidt ofhatred and oppofition againit the Gofpel. 2 Ground is this, becaufe finners under the Gape' cannot finat fo cheap a rate, asotherwifi they might do : the Drunkard cannot be drunk at fo cheap a rate ; nor- can the oppofer and perfecut or, oppofe and perfecute at Co cheap a rate as they mighdo,where the Gofpel doth not Chine in power and glory, 3. Becaufe the GotpeI puts perfons upon veryhard fervice, upon very difficult work, pulling out a right eye, cutting offa right hand, offeringup an Ifaac, throwing over- board a Iona, parting with Boren)