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Mr, BrOOks's Faremel Sermon. 293 BoCom Lulls, and Darling Sins. Herod heard 10;.ie Raptig gladly, till he came to touchhis Herodias, and then off goes his head. As they fay, lobn 6, This is a hard raying, andwho can abide it ? and from that time, they walked no more with him : this is a hard Gofpel indeed, and at this their blood riCeth. 4. Becaufe of the differing and diainguithing work, that the Go- fpel makes among the Ions of men ; it foftens one, and hardens a- nother that fits next to him ; enlightens one, and ftrikes the other blind it wins one, and enrageth the other, The fame Sun path different ethers on the Oloje&s on which it fhitaeth. The. Gavel puts a difference between the precious and the vile, and this the vile cannot bear. It was never good dales (lay clot fuch and rut h muff be Saints, and none elfe we have as good hearts as any , and this enrageth them. Lan ly, It is from Sathan; Sathan knows that the very tendency of the Gofpel, is to fhake his Kingdom about his ears : Sathan and Anticbriff know that their Kingdommutt down by the power and light of the Gofpel : and therefore .Sathan and men of an Antichriffi- an fpirir, do all theycan to oppofe and (hew their hatred, againii the everlaffingGofpel : and this makes them to be in fuch a rage againft the. Gofpel.. Qjer. 2. When the Gofpel goes from a People, what goes ?I (lull give but a touch here. T. When the Gofpel goes, Peace, Plenty, and Trading goes, 2 Chron. I 5 3, 51 and 6. compared. Now for a long fealon, Ifrael had been without the trueGod, and without a teaching Priefi. Why ? They had Priells ; but they were jereboam's Pricas, as you may fee, Cbap.13.v. 9. Have you not cal} out the Frill. of the Lord, the Sons of Aaron, and the Levites, and have made you Prieffs after the manner of the Nations, ofother L and; ; fo that wbo!oever comes to conrecrate himfelfwith ayoung Bullock and (even Rams, the fame may be a priest of them, that are nogods. A littlebufiners will buy a 13.(iefthood ; and fo they are laid to be without th., true God, without a teaching Prieft and without Law. Mark what follows, And in thole times, there was no peace to him that went aut, nor to him that came in ; but great vexations were upon all the inhabi. ens of the country 1. and Nation was deffroed of Nation, andCity of City, for God did vex them with all adverfity.