Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Dr. Mantons Sermon, intermit; there's fin, that whichweakens within ; By reafon of the former we make little fpeed ; by reaCon of the latter we are often interrupted; and therefore we nit& do as they, that they might be fivift and expedite, lay afide every weight, and be more temperate in all things. Herein a Runner in a Race, differs from a Traveller ; a Traveller firengthens himfelf for his Journey as well as he can, his cloaths on, fometimes carries a great burden with him ; but a Run- ner of a Race makes himfelf as light as he can. But tocome more particularly to the words. Firft, (lay afide every weight) By weight is meant thofe things that burden the foul,and make our Heavenly progrels more tedious and curnberfome ; and by weight is meant ( I think) the delights and cares of the world, the multitude offecular bufinefs, all our earth- ly contentments and affairs, fo far as they are aburden to us, hurl- der its in our way to Heaven; thefe muff all be put off, Luke 21.3,4. faith Chrift, Take heed toyour (elves, Leff at any timeyour heartsbe o- vercharged with jurfe.iting and drunkennefs, and cares ofthis life, &c. The heart that is depreit, cannot be fo free for God, and the Offices ofour Heavenly Calling, when we give way to, furfeiting, drunken- nefs, and cares ofthis world. . The heart may be overchargedwith the delights ofthe world; Surfeiting and rrunkennefs mutt not be taken in the grofs notion ;. you mull not think of fpewing, reeling, vomiting, as if to avoid thefe, were a full compliance with Chrifts dire&ion ; the heart may he overchargedwhen the fiotnack_is not there is a dry drunkennefre, and a more refined furfeiting,and that is when the heart grows heavy, unfit for prayer, relithes not the things ofthe fpirit ; when the de- lights ofthe flefh clog,thewheel ; abate that vigour and chearfialnefs that we fhould thew forth in the Worfhip ofGod, and holy a&ions when the delights of the flefh withdraw us from that watchfulnede and diligence that is neceffary, in taking care for our fouls, then, the heart is overcharged ; voluptuous living is a great fin, it choaks the feed of piety fo foon as planted in the heart, fo that they can bring nothing to perfe&ion; it brings a brawn and a deadriels up- on the conscience and affe&ions, there is nothing that hardens the heart fo much, as the foftnefs-ofcarrial pleafure. ( Jude 19. ) fenfual, having not the Spirit : Senfuality quenches our natural bravery and brisknefs of fpirit that becomes a man; much more doth it hinder the filblime operations ofthe Spirit of God. Well then, remem:- ber Chriffians, you are not onely Travellers by the way, but Run- ners in a Race : If wewere to fpeak to you onely under the noti- on of Travellers in a way, this were enough to wean you from the delights