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394. Mr. Brookes's Farewei Sertnox. 2. Safety and (ecurity goes, when the Gofpel goes ; fo in the Text but now cited. The Ark wa, taken away ; and when that was taken away, their firength and fafety_ was gone. When the Jews reje&ed thLGofpel, the Romans came and took away both their Place and Nation, John 11.48. If we let him thus alone,- the Ro- mans will come, and takeaway both our place and Nation, About forty years after. 'rims and Velparian took away their City ; they cryed, Ifwe let this man alone, the Romans will take away our Na- tions ; and this was the ready way to bring the Romans upon them. 3. When the Gofpel, goes, Civil liberty goes ; when the Jews flighted the Gofpel, and turned their backs upon it,they quicklyb.- came Bond-(laves to the Romans. 4. When the Gofpel goes, the honor and Glory, fplendor and beauty of .1 Nation goes. It is the Gofpel that is the honour and beauty of Nation ; and when that goes, all the glory goes: As old Ely Laid, When the Arkwas taken away, the glory was departed from Ifrael, s Sam. 22.jer.a. 2,1 3 . Hatb a Nation changed their gods, rv')icb ate yet no gods. ? but my people have changed their glory, for that which doth not profit; that is, the wor[hip of God, into theTraditions of men. What is it that lifts up one Nation above another, but the Gofpel A- bove all Nations of the Earth , England huh been lifted up to Heaven. 5. Wien the Gofpel goes, all foul kappinefs and blefednert goes : The Gofpel, you know, is the means appointed by God tobring fouls to an acquaintance with Chrifi, to an acceptanceofCbrill, toan fr.- terell in Chritl, to an alTurance that he is theirs, and they are his. Now when this goes, all foul-happineffe and bleffedneffe goes. 6. When the Gofpel goes, the fpecial pretence of God goes, for that (fill goes with the Gofpel. I here is a general pretence of God, as thz. Pfal- milt (peaks, Pfal. r. 39, Where pall I go from thy Spirit? Whither (hall I /De from thy pretence ? This prefence of God reacheth from Heaven ..40 Hell ; in that fenfe God is included in no place, nor excluded out of any place. But alas ! What is this general prefence ? When the Gofpel goes , the fpecial prifence (f God go; r. This leads me by the hand to the third Querie