Mr. Brooks's Faretvel Sermon. C5 Qiety 3 A tratis"this : Wixther be /pet j Y land, or no ? It is.the fear y: but I humblyitipooft, o \i';'-atiocver claikneffe may be,tipon it, yet that Gocivill not remove : and if you plea fe, I will offer a few things, that lignine fomthing ..s E0 niy own latistaCtion, and it tilay be Om:. A Tie rooting, that it bath got in the hearts of.Sinners and Saints, ill theJudgmcnr, Affeftions, and Confc;ences both of Sitio and Saints: Certainly, it 11,4h got fo deep a root in the hearts of twiny thoufands Of Saints. and Sinners, that it (hall nothe i`rn tine power of Hell to raze it out. 2.1"1: glorious anointings that are to be found upon many thou- lands of Gods fervants in this Nation, to preach the everialling Gofpel, ..Ind who would be glad to preach upon the hardeft terms, keeping God and a good Confcience, to preach it freely, as the .Apoi!les of old did. And certainly, God huh not laid in this Trcafure, thlt it fhould be turned into a heapof confufion, but that it fhould ferve to the end, for which he laid it 3. The inefftecuaineffe of all former attemptr, and &fig/is Pray theGotpeI. You know what endeavours of 61c1 snare hack been todarken this Sun, to put out the light of Heaven, in the Ma7iandaies, and in other dales fplce them ; and yet it bath not been in Prifons, Racks, Flames, Pillories, nor any thing :lie to ex, ting,uith the glory of it. And then, Ail Deigns and. Attempts to extinguifh the elarlaftiOGo fpd, have turned to the advancement, flourifhing, and 4:rea of theGofpel. 5, God never takes away the goipel from a People, till the Body of that People have thruft the e verlaffing gofpel from tt,em ; When indeed, they havebeen fobold, as to thruft away the evriallint, g:0- ipel, God bath been fevere unto them: But till the Body. of a Peo- ple have thruft away the everlafting gofpel , God bath not taken it away from them, a Chronicles, the .36. Chapter, and the fifteenth Verl;., to theend, God fent his Meirengers early and late; they a. Q..q buftd