296 Mr. Brooks's .F4rerPel Sermon. bufed, fleighted, and (corned them till there was no remedy. So; in the 3 5. of Jeremiah, from the firfi, to the twelfth : it is a fa. MOUE Text for this. So, in the thirteenth Chapter of the Aas,and the 45, 46, and 47. Verfes. Becaufe you have thought your 'elves un- worthy of Salvation, he we turn to the Gentiles till the few came to thrutt away the everlafiing gofpel, the Lord continued is to them. 6. The fpreadingof the everlalling gofpel, is the fpecial means appointedbyGod, for the deftruaion of Antichrifi : Firit, he is to be confumed by the Spirit of his Mouth, then deftroyed by the brightneffe of his coming, the Spirit of Faith and Pray r in them that would be willing to lay down any thing, rather then part with thegofpel, God will not put his bleffed Church to the blufh , he will not make them athatned of their confidence. 7. Are therenot multitude; of the Children of Believers that fall under many promifes ? and will not God make good his Engage- ments to them ? I will circumcife your hearts, and the hearts ofyour feed; and the feed of the Vpright 'hail be blefficl,&c. 8. The (range and wonderful affe&ions and tenderneffe that God bath wrought in his Children to the gofpel : What meltings and mournings,and what a fpirit ofprayer hathGod put upon his people? 9. Thereare manyyoung tender plants andbuds of grace ; filch in whom the Spirit of god bath fiirred a hungring, chithing, and longing after the great concernmenrs of Etrnitie. I would upon thefe ground3, and othert, f the like import, hope and believe, that the Lordwill not remove his everlafling gofpel, however he may correa his people for their triflingwith, and flighting theglorious Gotpel. I have feveral tim.t thought, what a day ofdarkneffe was upon the world, in refp.Et f fin and lupeMition a When Cbrifi brought the everlailing Goftet, what a day of darkneffe and fuperflio Lion was on the whole earth ? But you know what the Apofile fpeaks, a Cor. T. 21. For after that, in the wirdom of God, the World lj wiflom knew not God 5 it pleafed God, ki the folifbneffe of preaching, to jav, them that believe. When it is neareft days, then it is darkeft. There may be an hour of datkw ffe, that maybe upon the gape], as to its libertie, puritie, andgloriei and yet their may be a Sun-fhining day ready to tread on