.1Yr. 13rooks's Faretvel SermOn. 297 on the heels of it.And fo much for the Refolution of thofe Queries. I (hall proceed, as 1 Paid , and leave Come Legacies, with you ; whichmay, be the finger of the fpirit , by made advantageous to you, whomwe are not advantaged to (peak unto you. L.EGACT r. The firfl Legacy 1 would leave with you, (hall be this, Secureyore intereft in Chrift: make it your great bufineffe,your work,your Hea- ven, tofecureyour intereff. inCbriji. This is not an Age, an Hour,for a man to be between tears and hopes, between doubting and re- lieving. Takenot up in a name to live, when you are dead God-ward and Chrit4-ward. Take not up in an outward form, and outward prig viledges. They criedout, The 'temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord, that had no intereft in, or love to the Lordof the Temple. Follow God, leave no means unattempted,whercby your bleffed in- tereti may be cleared up. Leg. 2. Make ChrifI and Scripture theonly foundation for your fouls and faith to build on : as the Apotile faith, i Cor. 3a r. Other foundation, can no man lay, then that which is laid, even lefits CI)! iff. Ifa. 2.8. 6. Behold .1 lay in Sion for a foundation, a fine, a tried (tone, a corner Hone, aprecious ffone, a fure foundation, Ephef. z. to. Since it is a very dangerous thing, as much as your foul and eternity is worth , for you to build on any thing betides Jefus Chrift : many will fay, Come build on this authoritie, and that; on this faying, and that; but take heed. Leg. 3. In all placesand company, be lure to carry your foul; prefervatives withyou : go into no place or company, except you carry your foul-prefervations with you, that is, a holy careand wif. dom. You know is infeaious times, men will carryoutward pre- fervatives with them ; you had need to carry your prefervatives ar bout you, elfe you will be in danger of being infe&ed with the ill cuibnis and vanities of the times wherein you live ; and that is a third. Leg, 4. I would leave with you, is this, Look that all within you riles higher and higher, by oppofitions, threatnings, and fuf- QA 2 feringe;