30 Mr. Caryl's Sermon, I (hewed you in the openingof theText, how the Scripture calls that walking in white, then the point is this : What ever becomesof the other white of honourin the world, they, fhall be Cure of this that abundance of peace, and joy, and comfort than theii, fouls that keep their garments white ; they ihail walk in the in- ward white of joy andpeace with JeCus Chrift, and this is a bleffed reward. Indeed now this joy, this white of joy, arifes in the foul three wayes. I. From the teftimonyof their own conleiences, Oh they who have a good teftimony from their own confciences walk in white, 2 Cor. I. 12. We have this for our rejoycing, the tejliniony of our confcien- ces, that iriallfimplicity andgodly fincerity, wehave our converfation in Heaven : that is, walking in White : this our rejoycing, our con- (ciente fpeaks well of us,and kindly to us,and who is able to exprels the fweetneCs of this thing ? None can know what this is, but they that have it, as it is laid of the New Name written upon the White (tone, Rev. 2.17. 'Tis a thing beyond expreffion what the joy and peace of a good'conCcience is ! Now this I fay, that our white gar- ments, and our walking inwhite, arifeth from the teftimonyofour confciences. 2. As from the teftimony of our confciences, fo from that tech- mony which is greater then our confciences, the Spirit, the Thed- ing abroad of Divine Love : thus ft is with thole that do not defile their Garments, but endure anything rather then defile their gar- ments, Rom. 5. 3, 4, 5. And not only fo, but we glory in tribulations, knowing tribula- tions worketh patience, and patience experience, and experience hope, and hope maketh not afhamed, (and whence was all this ?) becaufe of the Holy Ghoft,which was given to us, this canted] joy rinfpeakable, The Spirit it felfbeareth witnefs withour [Wits, that we are the Children of God. This witnefs doth caufe wonderful joy, much more then the witnefs of our own confciences. 3. This joy cloth ariCe from that well-grounded hope which that foul bath that keeps himfelf clean : hope of enjoying Heaven at laft, hopeof future glory is our preCent joy, Rom. 5. 2. By whom alpwe have accefs by with into hisgrace, even we fland and rejoyce in hope of theglory of God. Now they who keep their garments white, have good ground of, hope of the love of God ; therefore this muff needs cattle them to walk cornfortably,aS theywho have this hope purifies thernfelves,fo theywho purifie themfelves have good ground of their hope, and therein.