Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Timgreat Boyfit oraGodly Miatifiry. 43t Gofpel loves to come, and to (+ay where it is welcome. OF all the fevenChurches of Alia , the Churchof Philadelphia was the bet} ; that -Church ufed the wordheft , and that Church enjoyed the word longett. Be earneit with the Lord for godly faithful Miniiiers , whore pains and labours among the people the Lord ufeth CO bleCs and profper. 7. Be carnet{with the Lord, that the refining work of a Nation- al-Reformation, a City, a Country, a Family-Reformation, a Per- fonal-Reformation may begin at the refining and purging of Mini- tiers. None will deny, but that there is great needof a Reformati- on; there is none of you but will confefs , that the feed of leaven had need fometimes to be winnowed out from among us, as a Chron. 29 . 48. Hez,ekfah began at the Priells and Levites , dezakiah be. gan his Reformation at them; and thus at our first Reformation, the Protettants did thenaffirm that there could never be any good Re- formation, unlefs they began at the Court of krone And it is very obfervable, that when the Prophet fpeaks of the Lord Chritls corn. ming as a refining fire, and as Fullers foap , -this alto is propefied of refining the Sons of Levi , Ma/. 2. a. When he (hall purifie the Sons of Levi, when he (hall purge them as gold and (jiver. As it was in Judah, in that good Reign of that good King Hez..ekida z Chron. 29, 34. The Poets were too few there; Antra itwas in Ju- dah then , whether it be not fo in England now , I affirm not , but leave you to judge. But a Miniffers foundnefs in Doatine , and ho- linefs of life and converfation , fhould lay a great obligation on a people, duly and conicien.ioufly to pra&ice every command toduty. And this may fuffice for the fecond Doetrine. Come we now to the third Doarine dedufable tohe handled from this Text; and that is this , That in the due ?Taffice of commanded duties , Gods people may warrantably and confidently expert muchof the gracious ?Terence ofthe Godofpeace , even in thewort of times. Thefe things think. on , faith the Apofile, Ver. 8. Theft thing! do , faith the Apoitle in the Text; and what then? "th, God ofpeacefhall be withyou. In the due praCtice of commanded duties , Godspeople mayconfidently ex DeCt much of the gracious pretence ofthe God of peace in the word of times ; Then take counfel from this Doatine , that you may have the graCi- ous prelence of theGod of peace with you-and if thisPulpit were My cfeath-bed, I fhould give Inch counfel as thefe following to you. Firft, Crown the p ince of peace , the Lord jefus Chit+ in your hearts and lives ; I fay, Crown the Prince of peace, the Lord J4tis Chria in your hearts and , receive him as your Lord and King , ler a Crown on his head here in your hearts and lives and he will K k k Cr° 'an