Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

2 Thegreat Benefit ofa Godly Afinifiry. Crown youwith peace in this lite, and fet a Crown of glory, a Crown of immortality on your heads in the life to come. If you have CI rill, you have all things , all heavenly graces , all fpiritual com- forts , all temporal bleffings ; if you have Chrift , Godwill , God can then give you all things that are good for you ; without Chrift, you are nor, and you can do nothing that is acceptable with God. Therefore this is my firft counfel to you , Crown the Prince of pear, the Lord lefts: Chrift, inyour hearts and lives. Secondly , Then maintain a conflanc and confciencious intimate communion with the God of peace. It was good counfel which Eliphas gave to 14,1o6 22.2 .Would you have much of the prefence of the God of peace ? Oh then frequently fall down , and lye ac the foot-ftool of the Lords Throne , for grace , and for peace ; and when you do fo, be not unmindful of us , who have often been ye-t mouths to God, and Gods mouth to you. And to engage and en- courage you herein, confider. Firft , The LordJefus Chrif1 hada promifed to be with his poor Miniflers alwayes, even to the endof the world, ililatth. 28. alt. If .alwayes, not in the Pulpit only ; no, the Lord bath promifed to be with his faithful fervants out of the Pulpit as well as in the Pulpit ; in the Prifon fealing the truth , as well as in the Pulpit preaching The truth : Oh then , will you put this in flair by prayer that the Lord Chia will be with his poor Miniflers to the end of theworld. 2. MIMI notfail to pray for you, i Sam.] 2. 2 3., Our fequeftring from our preaching-work from you, will give us advantage to lay out more time to fetch fighs from our hearts in praying-work for you.; and I. truft the Lord will give us hearts , fo to improve our time for you as Samuel Paid, fo Godforbid we fhould fin againft the Lord in re Ping topray for you. As Peter did to the people with a promife , as i Pet. 5. r o, And not only for you, but Secondly, Even for fuch as have treated us fomewhat uncivily and unkindly, to fay no more of them, although the number of them are very imonfiderable; but for fuch I truft we (hail not forget in our prayers As Mops fell down on his face for the Children of /frau when they treated him very unkindly, and fpir in his face, I tru(1 we fhall nor Forget /Wafts's prayer for the people : And fo, when they danced before their Idol, Jeremiah wept for thofe In his time as It- rem. I 3. T 7. An that we (hall not forget I remiah weeping for you : I , rufl Rewire, that we .(hall remember Stephen, being on his knees for his Pe-fecutors , pow ring out his life and prayer toctiether, e/ !Lis 7. 60. I doubt not but my Reverend Brothet, and my felf, (hail remember Pawl; willingnefs, tolliend and to be fpeto`