tbf getiefit of acodly Miniffry. 433 lent both inprayer and preaching for you all. Though the more a- bundantly he loved, the lefs he was beloved, 2 Cor. 12. 15. 3. Maintain and nourifh all tenderneffe in your Confcience all your, dayes : On go not without, much leffe againft the di&ates of confcience ! rebel not againft the light of it ; beware of ftifleino and fuppreffing a warning conicience, left a warning confcience prove a gnawing confcience; and prove a tormenting confcience And confider, firft, Rerrtorie ofconfcience hash an eye againft all Cmpaft. Secondly, Tendernelle of confcience , which bath an eye to all fin to come. Take heed then of all calmneffe of heart. Fourthly, Take. heed of Apoftatizing. Chryfoflome bath a no- table laying, namely, That Miniflers have agreater trouble, becaile they never find their work ou they leave it, as other workmen do. Oh inhow fhort a time cloth a poor Minder find all his work put out of frame and order !. Did not Moles find it fo ? Exod. Z. 8. Mores had no fooner turn'd his back as it were, but the people w ere tur- ned out ofGods way of worfhip. And did not Paul find it fo ? Gal. I. 6. The Galathians were quickly removed ; Paul was but lately gone from them, :and they were quickly apoflatized. Now this commeth topaffe, Firft, It is by reafon of a crafty, fubtil, deceitful Devil ; As in the Gofpel we read, while menflept, the Enemy came ay dfowed tares, Matti:. 13.2 5. And who this Enemy, is, we may fee in Chr:fts ex- Found tng the Parable, ver. 3 9. And Secondly, Partly by reafon of mens own deceitful hearts, as Heb. 3. observe it. There is an evil i Cart of unbelief in the Left : it dwells, in t e beft, but it reigns in the w ck.d : And 'what is that ? one of t ele evil hearts of unbelief, in apoitatizing,in departing from the living God. Thirdly, It is pcxcly by Reafon of eeceitful workers,as the Apoftle calls falfe Apoftles. It is partly by reafon offuch. Then take heed ofapoftatizing, either from truthof Doarine, purity of Worn: ii), or practice ofConverfation. . From truth of Do nine. Be not wearyof old truths ; take heed, eral beware of itching a_ter novel Do trines ; toLe heed and beware ofacmiring this or that opinion, which, as new lights, drop down fromHeaven, but indeed is but as the fmoak ofthe bottOmlefs pit. 2.. Frompurity of Worfhip alfo. Let not your zeal be co!d, but kindled againft every bracelet of the Scarlet Whore. How often (loth the Apoftle call the people alulterers andadialterefieS, becaufe K k k 1 they