434 'A,great 'Benefit minifiry, . they apoftatize from the Word and Worfhip of God. 3. In pra&ice and Converfation. Prize the Gofpel, love it,and live accordingly: to it : With conitancy look on every motion of thy foul, and every anion of thy life, as a step to life, or a ftep to death; as a Rep towards Heaven, or a ft-4 toHeil, Heb. to. 3 8. To clofe this COUllfel, the Author of the Hebrews bringeth in the Lord, pro- tefting againft apollatizing. If any man draw back from Gofpel- prmciple , and. Go!pel-worfhip, or from a Gofpel-converfation, faith tiie Lord, If any man drawback:has, my Soulfhail have no plea. fare in him. Tremble then at this, thou Apoftatizer, whoever thou art, where-ever thou fat&or flandeft , My Son /hall have no plea- pre in thee. I loath p and abominate that perfon , faith the Lord. 5. All of you then ftudy peace, and particularly you who do un- feignedly fet your hearts and faces towards Heaven, study peace, and follow after it ; though it run from you, purfue after it. You pro- feffe your felves to be them that are truly fearing God, and trulyho. nouring the King) and truly loving one another, Oh then feek peace. You who.do unfeignedly fet your hearts and faces towards Hea- ven , ftudy peace alway, and decline all dividing principles and pranices among you ;' and that you maynot either breed or feed cir- curnftantial differences, or fubltantial divifions ; confider, God is the God ofPeace ; our Saviour is the Prince ofPeace ; our Comfor- ter is the Comforter of Peace ; our Calling is the Calling of Peace ;- our Way is the Way of Peace. OA that we may fo live in Peace, that the God of Loveand Peace may dwell with us ; and that tie God ofPeaCe may live withus here, that we may live with the God of Peace hereafter. Mr. Bullof Newington-Green, HisFarewell Sermon in the Forenoon. r¢-y John. I4. /6. And I willArst-the Fatker,and he jibegiveyou another Comforterl that he may abide withyoufor ever. THE Obfervation that I commended to you out of thefe words, was this, , Its tbezreac stork,for which the Spirit earil ir,given by -ad,