43c The Cidrit o fartfka cloVians'Comfort. ritual comfort when a man can once spiritually mourn for fin; ii4Atth. 5.4. Eleffed are they that mourn,- for they fhall 6e comforted. Godly sorrow" opens the -vein, and lets out the matter that hinders comfort, and caufeth inward trouble in the foul ; A gracious man takes a great delight in godly forrow ; oh I its matter ofmarvellous comfort, to a child of God , when he can kindly mourn for his Gins. 5. The Spirit of God comforts the foul as he is a mortifyingSpi- rit. Tuus he takes away that chat is the ground and matter or Be- lievers trouble, mortifying that fin that is the caufe °f ills forrow ; pride, unbelief, inordinate love to the world. 6. The Spirit of Gon works comfort in the hearts ofhis people, by fettIng their own spirit to leek for comfort in Gods own tvayes. The laft thing I did for the Explication of the DJ6trine, was to adde fome Propolitions, and they were filth as thee. 4. Many a gracious heart, that bath fellow:hip wish the S-p7rit of God in his faiafying work, mayfeel and find none his comforting work; Tile Sun may o,erate where it cloth not fnine : A man may be in a Elate of falvac:on, when he doth not feel the joyes offalva- tion, Ifa..S 1. 3. You Ihall.find thole that fear the Lord, and had the comforts of the Holy Gliolt, yet walked indarkenels. is Even thofegracious fouls, that have thefelionyhip ofthe comfort- ing .cplrit to day, may walt it to morrow. This is not daily bread, tAtiiile the Saints are on this fide Heaven. The Sllitice of a Ciiri- itians comfort dothnot laft all the day long ; they are not featted with this every day ; they have the night as well as the day ; there is a night as well us a day in the heart ofa gracious foul ; as it is natural in the common courfe ofnature, the Sun May Thine to day, but it may be clouded to morrow. Thus it was with that holy man, Plain; 3o. 7. Lord, by thyfavour thou haft mademy mottltaty: to fiand Prong ; thoudidit hide thy face) and I was troubled.' And God dot?i . this in infinite wifdom, to put a difference between Earth and Hea; ven, this valley of tears, and that fate ofglory, that fo the hearts ofGods people may be kept in a frame oflonging after the Efate of Heaven ; God will have his people be groaning here, that his peo- ple may groan after that condition when all forrowing and (ighing shall flee away. God referves perfect comfort to be the reward of perfea holinefs ; while our graces are impede& wemuff make ac., count that our comfort will be fo too ; Tears will be never wiped from our,eyes, till lin be quite taken out of our hearts. 3. Thole that have had thtsifriritmal comfort in their fouls, they rpino loft