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The Spirit ofCbr;ff Chrtilialis Comfort. 437. top not only the imprlion of the Sp rits comfort, b*it they may feel the impreffion of Gods anger. Heman complatns, that the wrath of God did hang upon him, and that the terroors of God had cut him of. .A oracious heart bath real grounds of confolation, though he bath not prefent feniible comforts. A childof God [lath alwayes that, that if he did fee, he could not be without comfort ; the Proinifes are his fupport, he bath the fait fruits of the spirit, and right to eternal life : A child of God shall alwayes have lo much to keep up his hopes and affiance upon God; a child of God, in tbe darkeft condition, though he cloth not fee e- nough to make him rejoyce in God, yet he fees enough to make him trait in God ; - though-he walk in darknefs, and fee no light, yet he truth in God. Job =ayes Though the Lord flay him, yet he would trail.? In him. David was in great trouble, while he was in thatdifquiet expoitulation, Why art thou call- down 0myfoul andwhy art thou dif- quteted within me troll- in God!. 5. Thofe thathave inward comforts from the Spirit, may at thefame time have little comfort from Gods outward diffiebrations. It may be dark without, when its light within ; while Stephen fees nothing but blood here below, he lawHeaven above : And Chriit tells his Difciples, In the world they fhateldhave tribulation, but in him they shouldhave peace. 6. And laftly, Though this be one great workofthe Spirit of God to comfort the hearts of Chrifes Difciples, yet there are fame fpecialftafons wherein the Spirit of God giveS out this comfort. There are feafons of fadneffe, there is a feafon of heavineffe, and there is need of it There is a time to weep, and a time to laugh ; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. I fkewed you fome of the Seafons. L. One fpecial feafon of the Spirits comforting the renewed foul, is prefently upon the fouls firft falvation. After the Spirit is become a Spirit of Adoption, prefently it becomes a Spirit of Confolation ; after the Spirit hat , come into the foul in the Law, it then nextly appears a Spirit in the Gofpel. a. Another feafon when the Spirit gives out this comfort, is Ilia before the Lord !ages upon his people any great affliftion. W. ien Was it that Chrift was transfigured,and his face did aline as the Sun ? it was immediately before his bloody paffion. Chrift was first taken into the Mount, before he was lifted up upon the Croffe. When - was the voiceheard, This is my beloved in whom I am well plea.. fed ? but juft before he was led into the w:Wernelle to be tempted. Wenwas Paul Jilted up into Heaven ? it was immediately before- Satan was tent to buffet him. Thus Goa gives his people fomething before_