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438 The Spirit ofChriji, a Chrifli44s Comfort.: before-hand to fupport their fpirits,that they maynot faint; the Di- fciples were full of comfort, Affs 5.4; .And when was this? immedi, Ately juft before they were carried before the Council , and whipt up and down like Vagabonds and Rogues , for Preaching theGofpel. 3. Another Seafon when the Spirit gives out this Comfort , is in the time of filtering. God comes in the nickof time, efpecially ifa man fuffer for righteohfnefre fake , if his faltering be upon] the account of Ciirift, he feldome fails to fend the Comforter for the re lieving of his fpirit, I Pet. 4.1 3 . But rejoyce,in as much as ye are par® takers of Chrfts ruferings,that when his glory !hall be revealed , ye may be gladalfo with exceeding joy. Bodily confinement, and inward freights , are the time of the Souls oreateft enlargement. John had his Vilion in the 'Ile of Pat- mot. Wien a child of God is brought to a piece of bredd, then is the feafon for God to feed himwith heavenly Manua ; Jacob had glori- ous Viiions, while he was flying from the wrath of his Brother,when he had nothing bUt a heapof ftones for his Pillow. It was in the wil- dernefs that God fpeaks to his Church thus. I told you ofMr. Glo.. ',yen a Prifoner , who found no comfort in the time of his imprifon- .ment; but when he was going to the Itake,he cryed out, He its come, he is come, meaning the Spirit, the Comforter. 4. Another Seaton of Comfort is, after fome fpecial exercife of :Grace, godly forrow for fin, frefli aetings in the pardon of fin., and new Engagements , and Refolutions , and Promifes of more dole walking with God, after declining from him. 5. Another Seafon of Comfort is After fome great Trials and Af- ilietions. Light is then Molt pleafant, whenwe newly are come out Of a dark place ; after Thunder, comes Lightning ' after a ftorm comes a calm e God led his people firft into the wildernefs, and then into the Land of Canan: It is often fo in Gods Difpenfations towards his people,theirgreateft AffliEfions goe before their greateft Delive- rances : And therefore let not the Saints of God defpair when they are at the loweft , when they walk in darknefs, and fee no light, yet let him truff in the Lord. . 6. Another Seafon of.Comfort was, When men were confcienci ouily diligent in their particular Callings , then they walk with God. To this I gave you an inftance in the Shepherds , they were faithful and diligent in their calliro, they were watchingover their flocks by night, and then the Anger comes, and tells them, Toyou is barn this day in the City of David a Saviour, which is Chrifl the Lord, Luke e. z I. A company of poor Shepherds,keeping of their fheep, God appears unto them, and manifefteth his comforting pxtfence, when