Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

4tto 7he Spirit ofChrift, 4 ChrtYliani Comfori. 2 . If it be the work of the Spirit of God , to comfort the hearig ofhis people : then all the comfort ofChriftlefs and gracelefs fouls is nothing worth, there is no true peace, for they arenot the Difci- pies of Curia., which are the proper fubjeas of this comfort ; they will not hearken to Chrift, nor learn of Chrift,but theycall hit word., behind tI:eir back, and breakhU bands 4f/67/der. Thole that do not learn Chrilts precepts, and follow Chrifts Ca- nons, and obey Chrifts Commands, they are none of Chrifts Difci- ples; and to be fure, they have not the fpirit of Chrift , which is the _Efficient in this comfort , and without the root there cannot be the fruit, for this inward peace is the fruit of the Spirit. And therefore what comfort they have, it is either a finful comfort, which to be fare will end in forrow , or elfe at belt, it isbut acarnal co ir.A.t which will foon vanifh like the crackling of thorns under a pot; There u no peace, faith God, to the wicked ; there is no peace with God as long as you are at peace with fin. 3. He they are stumbled with the riddle,that the people of God fliould be fohrowing, yet alwayes rejoycing ; as forrowing yet 41- wayes rejoycing , the carnal world think this to be a contradiction; though they be troubled without , yet they have peace within though theyhave matter of forrow in refpeet of outward affli&ion yet they have fellowfhip with theHoly Ghoit the Comforter,which gives peace in affli6tion, joy in forrow, light in darknefs which fills thee with joy unipeakable, and full ofglory. Secondly, If the Holy Ghoit be the only Comforter of the hearts, of Gods people;then let me exhort every one ofyou to labour for an intereft in this Comforter. Friends,' befeech you be reftlefs till you havegot fome evidence of theComforter in your fouls by the inhab- tation of the Spirit in your hearts ; without you have an intereft in Chrift,there is no comfort, no true comfort to beexpeaed;no com- fort inprofperity, no comfort in adverlity,no comfort in life, nor in death,no peace with your confciences:Menmay make a shift tokeep ,theraelves at quiet for the prefent, by lulling confcience , they may have a kindofpeace from a falfe principle; Ah, but what will you fict whenftorms arife?what will you do when deathand affliaion comes ! fona.r lay quietly afleep till the ftorm came: 0my Friends, we muff fhortly lye a dying,the Lord knows how foon'; 0what will you do for comfort in adying hour?all other comforts may forfake you and before that time you may meet with forrow and ,heavy affli6tions, fo that all your friends in the world will not do yougood; yOur friends may fail, your hearts mayfail, and then no comfort, but the comfort of thckloly Glioit will do you good;the time may come,that all your friends