TheSpirit ofChuff, a Cbriftiems Comfort. 44.1 frie,tlt may prove miferable comforters , when God comes to deal with the foul, to fet fin home upon the confcience, to lay tin before us, then what will you do ? We are all guiltyof tinsof omillion and fins of commillion ; when thofe come to be charged upon the foul , what will you then do ? thenno plailter of comfort will flick , but thofe of the Spirits laying on ; unlefs the Spirit feal up the pardon of tin, the love of God to the foul, nothing will quiet and comfort the foul ; however men may be merry for a time , yet there is a time of forrow that will come , when they shall reflex upon their wayes , when they than fee nothing but fin behind them, and terrours before them : OA ! what amazement will feize upon their fouls they have no intereft in God, in Chrift, theyhave no intereft in the Promifes ; there is nothing that will comfort you, unlefs you have an intereff in the Spirit. But then, what Mall I do, that I may get this comforting Spirit into my Soul ? First TWO earnegly after it . The promife is made to thofe that thirft after it, !fa- 44. 3 Thirft after him in his convincings in his humblings , in his fanetifying mercy : 011 let the defire and longingof thy foul run out this way ! no matter for an Eflate matter for friends and outward comforts , if thou haft the Spirit of God, thou: haft that that is paramount to all outward comforts. Secondly, Pray earneftly for the Spirit. You are not fowilling to give your children what they want , as God is to give his Spirit to them that'ask it. Cry mightily, Lord,gi3'eme thy Spirit; and cry to the Spirit, and fay, as Laban to Abicans;Come in, fo pray the Spirit to come in to thy Soul. Thirdly,lf you would have this Comforter to come and abide with you, Tou muft refolve to become Chrifis Difciple. It is only for filch that Chriftprays that God would fend the Comforter : you mutt hearken and obey him, and follow him wherefoever he goeth. You know the tearms upon which you mull be Chrills Difciple , 2.1atrh. 16.24. He mug deny hirnfelf, and takeup his Crop , and daily follow Chrig. He mug deny himfelf. There is two felfs in a man , nay three felfs, and theymust be denied , but however the first two mutt be denied if you intend to be Chrifts Difciple. z . Amans righteou,sfelf. If any thing that we are, that we have, or can do, from our works or duties, any thing ofour own , all mutt be denied in point of Juttification. 2. Sinful felf. Amans corruptions mutt be denied, pride, r a lion, and love to the world. L 1 I 2